Chapter 21: Welcome Back

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The all out attack on the main camp was commencing and so far, the rebels have pushed back the loyalists and are hunting down the tyrant's heir who has escaped to one of their camps for refuge.

And so... the race to end the war continues....

I kept my word and stayed safe at the camp while my husbands helped in taling down the tyrant's heir and the remnants of his army.

The Ellesian females I befriended stayed with me and promised to act as guards in case some one attacks camp again.

Gea, the Ellesian who trained me was my constant companion as I supervised the extraction of Puasson plants. That and she was also tasked by my mates to guard me and make sure I do not put myself in danger again.


After my full recovery, I refused to cower in or stay put in our tent so I asked my husbands to let me help by showing them how and where I found the secret poison sac. They agreed as long as I stay safe in camp.

"I heard Captain Krei's Unit took down a warlord yesterday. But your twins held back almost two units of loyalists in order for our forces to weaken the heir's generals." Gea told me as I was taking note of the sacs that were cleanly extracted.

"That is great news. Hopefully, this war will be over soon." I answered while we moved on to check a few of the Ellesian volunteers who were tasked with extracting the sac from the Puasson plants to used for darts and coating for weapons.

I felt Gea's tail flick against my butt, making me flinch as I turned around at her with a flushed face.

" Gea! "

" Whaaaat? I can't help it Mira. You have such a fine posterior. Do all Earth females posses such fleshy plump parts? We Ellesians are genetically tall and slender so we find your body shape mesmerizing and squishy." she smiled at me, showing sharp fangs.

"For the last time, I am not the only Earth female who has a fat butt. There are lots of them on Earth, it is not even viewed as a desirable trait."

But she was quick and was behind me, her hands suddenly touched my breasts and fondled them, causing me to blush as she fingered my nipples, causing me to gasp before she pulled away as I frowned at her.

"That's nonsense. If I were a male and you were unmated; I would jump on you in a nanosecond. Fluffy females like you are so cuddly and soft."

"I-I guess but most guys prefer slender girls." the praise was unexpected but it felt nice.

The female Ellesian looked confused but she shrugged.

"Everyone has their tastes, I suppose. But the Twin Novas are blessed to have you as their bride. You are regarded as a hero as well because of your discovery of the secret poison sac, we have been able to use them to render our enemies helpless and cripple them without too much blood being spilled. "

Her praises made me smile, the rebels did seem to be having better luck at reaching their objectives because of what I contributed.

I stared at my tablet blankly and closed my eyes, mentally sending my emotions of worry through my link with them.

Asking them to come back home to me countless times.

It was a few seconds before I felt a warm pair of voices flowed through, it was faint but I got the message.

They will come back. It was a promise.

"Gea, we must move on to the next tent. I need to check provisions at the sustenance section."

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