Chapter 1: Called to be a Bride

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Ellesia, Gondra System - Erudia Quadrant (Present)

Warring :

"Brother! Stay with us! with me! Please!" I cried out as I clutched his hand while the medics used a coagulant gel to stave off his wounds as he was flown into the triage unit inside the Kindred Outpost  stationed near Ellesia's third ring.

As the medics did whatever they can to extract the spear embedded near his heart, I closed my eyes and prayed to the Goddess...the Mother of Life to save him.

After 2 long years of fighting the war, the rebel alliance has overthrown the tyrant that was exploiting the people and its resources for thousands of years with the help of the Kindred warriors. The Ellesians who made up the alliance are currently capturing the remnants of the opposition.

Unfortunately Strikes Fast and I were at the front-lines of battle when we were flanked by  several of the tyrant's men. We fought as fiercely as we are able after a week of fighting and no rest, as we were so sure that we killed the last of our enemies.

But that was my mistake.

One partially wounded warrior took a risk and throw his Zlank Spear at me before he collapsed.

This kind of spear drains the life force from anything it touches until it kills the enemy. I had just lost my blaster and my Marudian Blade has lost its edge after fighting with it for too long, fatigued has taken its toll on me and I brace myself for it to skewer me.

Until my brother jumped in front of me and the spear went to his chest. The rest was all a blur as I tried to take him back to the rebel camp even as I felt the intense pain from my brother that almost rendered me unconscious.

"He is losing blood fast! The Zlank Spear is extracted but his vitals are flat lining!" one of the medic's cries to the other made my hazy musing vanish.

I can feel his own life dwindling.....the pain was too much and it is taking its toll on him and I can feel it but I could not help him.

No! Please come back to me Strikes Fast! 

I held his hand tightly as I tried to encourage his tattered soul not to leave me but I can feel Strike's life sputtering out making me, his twin despair even more. If a Twin Kindred loses his other half then the other would be better off as dead because it would feel as if you yourself are just like a dead man walking.

Then I felt part of me went cold until I felt....nothing.


"He has flat lined! " the medics grabbed a resuscitating apparatus and started attached nodes  on his chest and  arms, beginning to the process of trying to revive him. "CLEAR!"

I had to let go of Strike because the machine uses electricity shocks to try to jump start his heart, I prayed to the Goddess to let him live. 

When a sudden jolt in my mind made me fall to my knees, It was angry and the pure energy from it made me wince until I heard a voice. It was female although she was really upset.

Get up! Get up! Don't you dare die, you idiot! 

Over and over the voice shouted  and rampaged inside my head like an enraged female Take-me, knocking me further into the ground.

Until a felt a heartbeat echoed  in my mind then to my relief; I felt Strikes Fast's soul burn bright again with renewed determination.

"He's alive! Stop the apparatus! Start vital scans again!" the medics started moving again as I was allowed back to my brother's side. the Spear made a huge wound on his chest and will in time turn into a very huge scar along with the other war wounds he got but seeing him breath normally and feeling his presence again in my mind gave me a sigh of relief.

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