Brianna -Extra Chapter 4: - Caught in the act

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Brianna's POV:

"Oh! I was going to prepare dinner tonight remember?" I pouted when I came home to our home, only to see that Go had already been preparing tonight's food while Lean was setting up the table.

"We thought to surprise you, little one." My light twin husband smiled at me as he grabbed my bag and the postal box from me before planting a soft feather-like peck that I only felt a slight buzz of discomfort since his twin was not touching me when he kissed me.

"What is the occasion? Our anniversary is not for another 4 Earth months and my birthday ended already. Did I miss anything?" I felt my drool leaking out my mouth when Go laid out my favorite dishes. "Oh wow! Pan fried Salmon with asparagus and hollandaise sauce, baked potato skins with mashed potato florentine and pancetta, and vanilla pudding? Yum!"

My husbands looked pleased as they teased me about my cravings before we settled down to eat. The atmosphere was still the same as ever.

As they discussed their current research with me and asked for my opinions, I wondered to myself how lucky I was when they decided to pursue me all those years ago.

They deserve children. Sons that they can teach and spoil. My twins mean the world to me and I wonder if I should discuss the invite with them now or if I should jump them first?

I want to be pregnant with our children. They say that Kindred offsprings are almost always males due to the genetic anomaly in their DNA; rarely do females mated to a Kindred birth out females.

Lately, my boys have been holding back these past few months because I was gunning for a team leader position at work. It will give me the opportunity to work closely once again with Samira.

And I just recently got the position!

Which is why I am a bit...horny now and in need of a nice thick...

Brie. Your thoughts are not helping us at all. The low and suggestive tone of my dark twin made me blush at the telepathic message her voiced out in our link.

As if to drive the words home, I saw that they are rather....stiff as they cleaned up dinner and I swore that their cocks were swelling up even more when I started thinking these thoughts.

Little one. Is the sex ban over? Is that why you are having such....erotic thoughts? Lean asked me as they led me to the bedroom.

"We-well." I blushed when they started unzipping their spacesuits and shrugging off their lab coats, revealing pale massive bodies roped with muscles.

As their wife, I should be numb to seeing their nakedness but my body still has that certain hunger as I sniffed at the hot mating scents they were emitting like crazy.

I clamped my thighs together as my breasts also react until even the slight rub against my lace bra made my nipples hard which is not helping the dull throb down below.

"G-guys?" I huffed breathlessly as my husbands looked at me. "T-tone it down a bit? Please? Oh!"

Before I knew what happened I was laying on my back, cradled by Go whose huge hands were pinching my naked breasts, his growling voice and sensual nips on my neck made my pussy even more sticky and wet with my own fluids.

Sorry, sweet wife but I am hungry to taste your pussy cream once again, the naughty smell coming from you is just too delicious...I want to suck you off so much.

"G-go ahead..."

I squirmed as Lean smiled as he took over in cradling me as we kissed and his fingers gently teased my perky nipples before his kisses trailed down and before I could react. Go's hot mouth covered my mound as he laved and plunged his tongue inside me while slurping any of the excess moisture in me.

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