Chapter 25: Danger Everywhere

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Hey guys, so sorry for the late chapter but I was swamped with work. Hopefully you like this!


Everyone seems to be staring at us as we made our way to the "bazaar" as the Twins phrased it. In truth it was nothing like the urbanized malls on Earth. This Intergalactic Bazaar is actually a huge plethora of markets with different alien species visiting to buy items they need. Each section has a theme; food, ship parts, weapons and so on so forth. Machines similar to elevators and escalators are used to take your to the floors of each bazaar. Alien plants and fountains grew where certain lounging areas are placed through out the whole place.

The entire aesthetics was really clean and streamlined to accommodate a huge number of beings.

It was all housed inside a huge ship the size of a small moon called "Voyager" in Earth words. It was all so exciting and scary at the same time.

While Warring buys the booster parts they need since he has the best negotiation skills; Strike will act as my guide and escort while we go to areas I wanted. The Dark Twin held our son who shape shifted in his human form and was looking around the various stalls and items with silent awe at first but soon fell asleep.

"What is this?" I stopped by a tentacled alien's stall who was showing a few other customers how to use a strange sphere.

"A Preservation Sphere. It stores and preserves any item you have inside that stone in its natural state. Most aliens use it as a food storage unit since it keeps food fresh during long days of travel. As useful as it is. Disablers usually don't work against it so it costs a small fortune." he then showed me to a stall where another alien was demonstrating another item. "This might interest you."

I smiled as I watched the alien use her hair as hands as she grabbed a wicked looking weapon similar to a sword and placed it in to a small wrist band accessory. I suppose it was also a portable type of storage unit.

I felt Strike's hand grazed my hip before he pulled me close to him, I looked up and saw him glaring at a few aliens who were eyeing me closely. His mouth twisted into a growl as he ushered me away.

I felt his unease and possessiveness in our link but there was also an innate fear that I could recognize as helplessness. Silently I followed him until I felt his unease fade and a burst of relief came over him when those aliens are out of sight; I quickly took note of their features before I forget them in case we run into them again.

"Who are those aliens? Someone you knew?"

Strike shook his head and patted Al'rik who was grabbing his hair and playing with his ponytail.

"Stay away from them. They are splicers, scums who deals with genetic splicing and would be all too happy to sell you in pieces until you are dead." he said darkly, his face looked really scary. " In the unlikeliest instant we get separated, never go with them if they offer help. Run and never look back."

I shivered as I understood my husband's unease. I have heard stories from some of the Kindred when they encountered splicers. They are always on the look put for new DNA to take and add to their Splicing Houses by legal or illegal means.

"Will they even want my DNA? I mean...I am nothing special am I?" I said as he took my hand and led me to a more pleasant bazaar which sells alien flora and seeds.

His gaze turn hot at my words and I felt my body react real badly to it, the way his silver eyes traveled over my suit as if he was undressing me forcing me to press my thighs together and my cheeks to feel flush.

"S-Stop it. We are in public." I murmured as the spicy scent I always love emanated from his body.

"Hmm...Nothing special? Ever since we came to the Solar System; the Human race has been an interesting topic amongst the aliens and although many illegal splicers won't dare come to Earth because it is being protected by the Kindred, they will find a way to take your DNA for many of their customers had a sudden demand for human females as your skin texture and forms all vary in color, shape and beauty. Oh, they would want you all right for humans venturing this far is a very rare sight." he kept me closer as we past by a few stalls selling flowers.

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