Chapter 15: Twin Novas

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I blocked a blade blow aimed for my head as the young Tranq I was sparring with attempted to distract me by feinting to the right before aiming at my blind spot.

I swiftly countered by changing my stance, shifting my center of gravity and used his momentum to knock him off his balance by tripping him when he pitched forward.

He fell on his side hard and the timer dinged, signalling the end of the session so I helped him up and addressed the warriors watching.

"This concludes our classes. Dismissed." The young warriors left me to catch my breath before I unconsciously caught a towel thrown by Krei, a fellow veteran from the campaign and a Tranq Kindred with icy blue eyes and long pale blond hair tied in a ponytail.

"Seems like claiming a bride has not dulled out your senses." his voice was cool but had hints of amusement to them as he positioned himself by my side.

"If only this can be settled faster, Me and my brother could devote ourselves to her but we have our obligations."

"I know. But you and Warring Soul are one of the few warriors who are skilled enough to train and teach these young ones at least thrice a week."

I cannot deny that. Judging by the increased attacks of the loyalists as an act of defiance, we had to ask for more reinforcements to effectively quell their hit and run maneuvers.

I then spotted my brother hurrying towards us. He greeted Krei and then informed me that our lady is waiting outside the training ground's mess hall.

I felt myself grin with anticipation. It has been a week now since our vacation to Genoa Springs and somehow Samira makes us lunch and comes here to eat with us ever since.

"I will take my leave. Give my greetings to your lovely bride." he saluted us before he walked away.

We then made our way to the mess hall and easily spotted her. Now that she was thoroughly marked as ours; it was much easier for her to walk around town and it effectively keeps away any other males. Even now she was getting a lot of gazes from the unmated Kindred warriors but they kept their distance as we approached her.

She was wearing a type of clothing women on Earth calls a sundress, the way the bodice hugged her breasts and her hips was alluring until it flared out quite fetchingly. She wore an airy embroidered jacket that covered her arms and sandals.

In short, she was very lovely and we cannot believe she is ours.

"Hello. You boys look tired. Hope you are hungry. I made Hoppopo Pie and Angrezi Stew with some tasty Earth bruschetta toasts." She showed us the basket she has with her.

Somehow we decided to eat under the big tree just outside the mess hall. She seems to be in a good mood as she gave us a bowl of stew and some toast.

"How is work going?" I munched on the bread and almost moaned at how  Earth vegetables and wheat can taste so good.

"Very well! Thank you for recommending me to the sustenance team assigned here at camp. Staying at home while you two were away was getting too boring." She then began to tell us about her day.

Ever since we came back from our vacation, Me and Warring asked her if she missed working; she nodded and wistfully told is about the numerous projects she and her team worked on at the space station and how much discovering new recipes and combining food components gave her life meaning.

The Ellesian Rebels have been asking us about the Earth food we have been consuming as of late and are wondering if they could at least trade for some ingredients if it was possible.

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