Final Chapter: Blessed

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Hi guys! A few more chapters to go and we are done!

I never expected more than a few people to read this. To be honest. I thought I was the only one reading my stuff.

Anyways..there will be an epilogue chapter and a special extra story coming in the near future.

This is a bonus for those of you who enjoyed my fanfiction.

Enjoy the chapter and thanks again for cheering for Samira, Strike and Warring!!!


A year later...


They are here! This is the day!

I was distracted the whole day while trying to listen to my instructor at the academy but it isn't everyday that I become a big brother. I can imagine them now. They must be so cute and small and tiny...

My Nana or as they say in Earth tongue Mama is giving birth to my Twin Apa's children right now. I packed up my tech pad and the shifting practice blade in my satchel as I waved good bye to my Academy friends and went out the gate only to see my twin Apa's friend Krei waiting for me in his Hovercycle.

I still cannot imagine this Blood Kindred being my Apa's friend because he looks young....very young. They told me he encountered an age reversing worm hole while he was on his way to the Milky Way Galaxy.

Unfortunately this cannot be undone so he has to age all over again but from our sword training; his experience and memories were the only things that was not affected for he fights very well and that was why I am currently under his tutelage.

"Come one young one. I just received word that Samira has successfully give birth to your little siblings." he said as I hopped on the extra seat and grabbed on to his waist as he flew off and we made it to the Medical Unit.

"E-Excuse me! Where is Ms. Samira's room?" I asked the female at the reception who smiled and pointed me to take the 3rd floor and go to Room 301.

"How goes the bride calling Uncle Krei?" I asked him while we walked.

His face immediately became sullen for a fraction of a second before he hid it with a smile.

"No luck child. Calling a bride is not as easy as it seems. Most warriors live a lifetime without finding one." came his usual wise tone that belies the youthfulness of his face. " which is why the moment I find her; I will treasure her as much as how your fathers treasure your Mama."

" My dream is like yours Uncle. To take an Earth girl for my wife. I want to find one just like Nana." I hopped over a raised platform.

"Well I wish you luck. Not many Earth girls are as open minded as her." he ruffled my hair and chuckled. "Most of them are scared of Kindred because we are big....and very alien. "

That made me stop to think more about Earth girls as we continues to move on to another topic until we finally reached our destination.


I tried to contain my excitement....and my surprise when I saw my Nana fast asleep, dark bags were under her eyes as she snored lightly. According to what the doctor said while she had her regular check up and scans. She might have a harder time giving birth due to her age but my Apas supported her through the long pregnancy and that gave her the courage to go on.

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