My life

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Y/N Grace Wilson, yeah that's me. Let me introduce myself.

Hi my name is Y/N Wilson, I am 15 years old and yesterday was my birthday! Before I go to school, I should tell you about myself and my life. Overall, I would say that my life is pretty shit right now. You may be asking why's your life shit? Well let me tell you my secret....

I live with my Mum (Sam), Dad (Ethan) and brother (Jake). Jake is 8 years old and both my parents are 42. That's not my secret though, my secret is my parents. You see they may look like good people, but behind close doors there different. My mum is becoming an alcoholic and my dad is a drug addict. I will always love them though, even though they might not feel the same way about me. My dad has always been not a great person, However my mum used to be a mum that everyone would dream of having. I mean she does act like i'm her daughter more than my dad, it's just some things she does that bothers me.

Ever since my sister, Kirsty, ran away my mum drank every single day. I don't know the reason behind why she ran away but I do know that I miss her so much. Kirsty would always be here for me and protect me from my dad. If I got into trouble, she would blame it on herself so she got the "punishment". Now I have to be the older sister for Jake, I always put him first to make sure he's okay, as he needs me.

Anyways enough about my sad life, it isn't all bad.

"Ill drop Jake today don't worry" My mum walks in my room.

"Is that to make up for yesterday" I scoff.

"I said I'm sorry"

"You always say that Mum. But no I shouldn't say nothing as I don't get a say in shit." I walk out the room and walk down stairs.

15th July is the day of my birthday, which was yesterday. I thought maybe this time for my 15th birthday it would be different. However, my parents had to argue again, make it all about themselves. They had been drinking alcohol so it was expected. 5AM In the fucking morning they had stopped arguing, and all I got was a 'sorry' from them. I can't forgive them as everyday it's like this and it's not healthy at all!! One minute they are arguing then best friends. Me and Jake always have to suffer for there shit.

"Y/n someone's here" Jake says.

You walk to the front door, put your shoes on and then kiss Jakes head. "Hello Tommy" you shut the door behind you.

"Hey y/n/n. How was your birthday?" Tom asked.

Great this was the question you wish no one would ask, but you know they would.

"It was really good thanks" you lied.

"I'm gonna pick you up at 6pm later after school" we both start to walk.

"You live two roads away from me I can walk" I chuckle.

"Yeah but I want to pick you up, and I'll drop your presents over" he says.

"Tom I told you not to get me anything"

"My mums fault mostly, she acts like your the daughter she never had. I would have personally just gave you deodorant" he jokes.

"Awww....-Oii, I don't need deodorant! Have you smelt you, stinky little shit" I slap the back of his head and he just laughs.

Tom Holland has been my best friend since we were both 6 years old. It all started when I was alone on a swing in the playground and Tom came over with his best friend Harrison, asking If I wanted to play with them and I of course said yes.

My main friendship group is Me, Tom, Harrison, Sophia, Lily and cameron. I've known Lily and Sophia since the first year of high school (year 7). We do everything together, there like my sisters. Harrison is like a brother to me and so is Cameron. Tom i've always thought of him more than a friend, I really like him. I could never tell him that though, He's just so cute, Handsome and so kind. He's been my crush for so long now.

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