Everything is just getting worse

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Hey guys sorry I took long to post, just took a short break. I feel a little better now physically and mentally. If anyone wants to talk then my messages are always open. My names Scarlett by the way If you didn't know. I wanna try finish this book before the summer half term, so I can chill and do other stories. My next book will be an imagines though. I have started it, there's like 6 parts already maybe more but I'm not gonna post it until this book is ended. However, When I do the imagines I won't post every day, I'll post whenever I can or like 3 times a week. I'm not sure yet. Anyways Love you all thanks for all the support :)

I had to try add more spice into the book so here it is. I'm running out of ideas though, so please do leave some more. Thanks everyone appreciate y'all xxxx

Warning: shouting and someone gets hit

Skip to Saturday:

It was now Saturday, not a lot has happened this week. Well accept for school but that's all really. I only went for 3 days this week, as I decided to take 2 days off after everything that has happened this month. I've been staying at the Holland's house mostly for this week as well with Jake.

I finally finished getting ready, just wearing something cute and simple, leggings and a cute top. Kirsty messaged me to say to meet at the restaurant for 6p.m. About 2 days ago I did tell my mum we would love her to be there and I made it very clear that we didn't want Ethan there at all. I really hope she will listen to me and come spend time with her family, which she doesn't do at all anymore. I mean she hasn't seen Kirsty in like 6 years so she should come.

"Jake come on, we need to pick up Tom!" I yelled to Jake, who came rushing down putting his shoes on. After we were finally ready we walked to Tom's house.

When we arrived at his house, I softly knocked on the door.
"Hey, you look cute," Tom smiles, closing the door behind him.

I blush, "Aww, I'm just wearing a simple boring outfit but thanks Tommy" We all start walking towards the cab driver that I called before arriving at his house.

"Do you think Rebecca will come?" He asked whilst you were all in the back of the uber.

"Hopefully. She really should as she needs to spend time with her family" I lean my head on his shoulder.

"She doesn't deserve you guys" Tom sighs, leaning his cheek on top of my head.

"I know"

At restaurant:

"Hey guys thanks for coming" Kirsty stands up hugging us all. "This is Finn my boyfriend and Liams dad" she smiles as Finn stands up to shake our hands.

"Hi nice to meet you. I'm y/n, this is our brother Jake and my best friend Tom" We all wave at him.

After we all greeted each other we all sat down. Tom was sitting next to me on my right and Jake sat next to me on my left. Kirsty, Finn and Liam all sat opposite us. There was an empty chair next to Jake for my mum, however she wasn't even here yet. Probably won't even come....

"So how's school y/n?" Kirsty asked.

"It's okay. I mean it's crazy to know that we are in our final year of high school. It's gone so fast. But it's been alright my grades are doing much better than the last time I saw you" I chuckled.

It was awkward at the start but eventually we started making conversation. We even ordered drinks, not bothering to wait for my mum who we thought wouldn't even come.

But we was very wrong.

"I'm just gonna go toilet" Kirsty stands up walking over to the rest rooms. I was about to go as well to talk to her, however as soon as she left the sound of the restaurant door opened. I didn't even care who it was but Tom tapped my arm, looking in the direction of the doors.

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