Police station lies

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Warnings: Mentions of rape and sexual assault that was all a big lie ofc. But it's happy at the end don't worry :)

"It all started when I was around 12 years old. My  brother was 4 years old then, he was asleep in his bedroom. Ethan had just put him down to sleep for a nap. My mum was out shopping and getting things we needed. He t-told me that I couldn't tell her, otherwise he will do something to her. I-I know it was wrong to not tell anyone but I was so young" I sniffled.

"I can't really remember what exactly happened. But next minute I was in my bedroom just in my underwear. H-he touched me in certain places, I told him stop but he said I need to be a 'good girl' for him."

"He told me it wouldn't hurt but it did all lot. This all happened until age 14. Tom had been my best friend ever since we was 6 and he knew something was wrong" that last bit wasn't a lie obviously.

"He eventually found out after me and him started dating. H-he saw these marks that were on my hips from where Ethan grabbed me. He was very rough if I didn't listen. Ethan would always slap me if I didn't do what he said. Eventually John started to join in and they would take it in turns. I didn't want anyone to get hurt so I did everything they said. Tom told me that I had to tell someone and that's why now I'm kinda telling you, my boyfriend here helped me through it all" I grabbed his hand looking at him.

"That's what mostly happened. Sometimes he would walk around the house and grab my butt or my boobs stuff like that. He r-raped me. And I thought it was all fine. How could I be so stupid" I sobbed into my hands.

"Y/n don't you worry none of this is your fault at all. John is already behind bars and we are doing everything we can to find Ethan" She said. "Don't cry. I'm so sorry you went through that. Thank you for telling me everything. He will never do anything to you again. You was so young so do not blame yourself" she wrote a few more things down.

"Is there anything else I need to know?" she asked.

"I-I think that's all" I sniffed wiping my tears.

My acting was on point!

"Have a good day you two. We will contact you soon and tell you anything else about Ethan. If you even see him call us right away" She walks out the door with us. We then exist the police station, my mascara running down my face still.

"Okay let's go get milkshakes" I now happily say.

"You sure that was all lies?" Tom worryingly grabs my arms.

"yeah Tommy. They believe it which was amazing" I say excited.

"Your really good at acting, wow." he says.

"I really must be to lie to the police. Anyways let's go get some milkshakes, my treat" I wink grabbing his hand, then walking down the pavement.

Now everything may be okay. My life might go back to normal again soon.

Me and Tom arrived at the milkshake place and sat in a both. The waiter came over to ask what we wanted, I got a y/f/m (your favourite milkshake) and Tom got his favourite drink. About 5minutes later the waiter came with our milkshakes and our fries that we ordered.

Luckily Kirsty was going to pick us up after this, so we didn't need to rush to get back home.

"Let me try some of yours" Tom says grabbing my milkshake, taking a sip from my straw. "omg that's so good" he takes another sip.

"That's why it's my favourite, i'll try yours" I grab his milkshake taking a sip. It was quite good, he got something with chocolate in it, I think. "That's nice. But mines better" I slide his drink back to him, taking mine off him.

"By the way, when you missed all them days off school we had to do some project for science. Harrison wanted to go with Sophia but sir didn't really let him, so me and Haz are a pair and Sophia is with (random girls name)-"

"Wait what. Then who am I with if i'm not Sophia's partner" I whine.

"Well I was about to say" he chuckles, picking up a chip. "Your with ellis" he says.

"Ellis? As in Ellis Brown?" I ask.

"Yes, Ellis brown"

"Oh that's okay then. He's actually hot so it's fine" I smile, taking another sip from my milkshake.

"ye-wait what?" he choked realising what I just said.

Was Ellis Brown hot?

Fuck yeah. Well.....he wasn't as hot and sexy as Tom but he was hot. Of course Tom goes before him as Tom is wayyyyyyy hotter, however I don't have a chance with Tom so I would go with Ellis instead. I know that's not how it should work but I do like Ellis, I just find Tom more attractive and I'm in love with him.

I don't know much about Ellis Brown, he's just some boy with Blonde hair, Blue beautiful eyes and a alright smile. He is quite all as well he's about 6ft or just under. I'm very small as well so it's a good thing.

(Pretend your like 5"3 right now in this and let's say Tom is about 5"6. I know he must've been a bit smaller at 16 as he's like 5"8 now I think? Correct me If i'm wrong. Just act like he's that tall. That is a good height tho icl. I'm small, I'm literally 5"3 at 15😂)

I've never really spoken to him before though. Maybe the few times during lessons but that's all. There was this one time actually when one of Riley's mates were with Ellis, as they were friends. And the childish boy jumped in my face to try make me flinch or feel scared. Very weird I may add.....

Anyways then Ellis pushed him telling him to not do that to me and he said, and I quote "Leave y/n alone man, she's a nice girl". That's when I started to like him, he was kind and sweet to me. Every time I walk passed him he would smile and i'll smile back, he was cute after all.

BUT, that doesn't mean I'm not in love with Tom. I'm so in love with this boy, trust me. Ellis is someone who I could date tho, who could possibly like me as Tom doesn't.

"Yeah, he's a nice boy...what he's always kind to me" I shrug my shoulders, sipping the last bit of my milkshake. "Now hurry up, Imma go pay-don't even try say anything because I'm paying end off" I stand up going to the front desk.

After I paid for the milkshakes and fries, Tom finally had finished his drink so we then walked outside. Kirsty was waiting in the car as I texted her about ten minutes before we finished.

Entering the car, we got a lot of questions throw at us.

"How was the police station?"

"Did you tell them about Ethan?"

"Did they find him?" She was asking them all at once.

"Has John-"

"I can only answer one at a time, calm down" I chuckle putting on my seat belt, Tom next to me doing the same. "The police station was fine. I lied a little, made a plan to keep him there longer and they believed it, thanks to the help of this guy" I ruffle up Toms hair. "They haven't found him yet but they are searching now, so they should find him soon. John is longggg gone behind bars and will probably have more years thanks to yours truly....now, does that answer everything?" I smile.

"Yeah, sorry, thanks. Phew. I'm glad that's gonna be over" she starts the car.

"Hey Jakey, how was school?" I asked looking at him through the side mirror as he was in the passenger seat.

"I-it was okay." he smiles trying not to say that many words.

"What's up with the little man?" Tom whispers.

"Nightmares" I shrug, his face making a 'ohh' expression.

"Now how about we all have a movie night? I have a few snacks at home" Kirsty smiles.

"That's sounds great!" I say, Jake cheers in the background and Tom agreeing. Kirsty then turns on the radio, so we all sang along to the songs we knew until we arrived at her house.

Thanks for all the support :) Hope you enjoyed this drama stuff. Soon Tom and Y/n will fall in love, but sorry to say this but there may be drama first. Just so it's good when they confess it and kiss etc.

If you have any ideas about how they confess or whatever let me know bye :)

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