The party

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Warning: Drinking, shouting, fighting, swearing.

A/N: I changed the ages so y/n is 16, like just turned 16. And So is Tom as he's older.

The week went by really fast, not a lot happened. I stayed at Toms till Monday then me and Jake went home. My mum and Dad were happy together again, I just don't understand how she can forgive an abusive druggie cheater. I just made sure that me and Jake kept our distance from them.

Right now, I was sitting in my last period, waiting for the time to hit 3p.m. As the bell went, I quickly packed my things away and then walked out of the classroom.

I saw Sophia waiting for me outside my class, "Finally the day is over! And tomorrow is my party" Sophia excitedly says.

"I know I can't wait! We need to have fun in our life we're 16!" I smiled.

"I have to meet Harrison, so i'll see you tomorrow" Sophia hugs me then walks away.

After I had picked up Jake, we arrived at our house. As we walked in we heard silence, which was pretty unusual, as my parents would always say things when we came in.

"Mum?" I shout up the stairs.

No answer.

"Y/N" Jake says sadly. "Yeah, what's wrong-" I walk into the kitchen and saw him holding a piece of paper, that said:

Dear Y/N and Jake,

Me and your Dad have gone away for about 4 weeks, I hope that's okay. We didn't tell you as we thought you wouldn't mind. Here's £150 to get the food you need and everything else.

Love mum xxx

"Stupid bitch" I mutter.

"y/n!" Jake slaps me.

"What? She leaves a 16 year old and an 8 year old alone for about a month. She didn't even tell us in the first place. And now I have to go school, get food shopping, clean the house and shit. Does she not think I have a life? Friends? I am in year 11! This is an important year of my life. FUCK!"

"It's okay y/n, I can help. Or we can ask Nikki?" Jake hugs me

"No. Jakey don't tell the Holland's. Remember when they left before, for two months. We asked the really close nice lady friend and then we got put into care until they came back" I Crouch down to his level.

"Okay fine. But who's gonna watch me now? If your going out tomorrow." Shit I never even thought about this.

"Erm how about you stay at Nans? or your friends house?" I suggest.

"Okay. I'll stay at Nans, I'll call her now" he goes to the house phone to call out Nan. And of course she said yes; she knew about my parents, well her daughter, my nan always told her to leave my dad but never listened to her mum.

Skip next day- Saturday (Party)

It was about 7 p.m and I was finally ready, I wore this nice dress with makeup.

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