His girl

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A/N: I have a quick question for you all. What age is everyone? I just wanna know so I can know what age group i'll be posting certain things for. I should've asked ages ago, however It only just now came to mind.

Have a nice rest of the day bye xxxx

A couple of days has passed, I haven't gone to school at all these last few days. I haven't even gone back home yet, neither has Jake. We just quickly go in to get our clothes and things, then we go back to Kirsty's. It's gonna be like this until they find Ethan the Social services has told us.

Right now I'm on FaceTime to Lily and Sophia, we're doing the most random shit right now. I'm wearing a crop top with some joggers and i'm currently upside down doing a handstand.

"Ooo y/n. Wow you can really hold that handstand" Lilly commented.

"I know-Shit" I fall back on the floor as my small string of the crop top snapped, making my whole chest start to show.

"Luckily your wearing a bra" Sophia laughed into the phone as I tied it up.

"I know right. This is my favourite top so i'll just-" I got cut off by the sound of the door bell. "Give me a second" I stand up going to open the door.

As I open the door, I see a smiling Tom with a not so happy Paddy. "Hey Tommy-oh no Paddy what's wrong?" I crouch down to the 7 year old boy.

"He's just upset because I shouted at him" Tom said.

"Why did you shout at my buddy" I joke hugging Paddy.

"He shouted at me because I was apparently being annoying on the way here" Paddy said into my shoulder.

"Don't be so mean Thomas. Don't worry Paddy, he's just jealous because your the best Holland brother" I wink at Tom causing him to play roll his eyes.

"Anyways we're going to see my nan and grandad. My mum thought it was a good idea to invite you as my Nan misses you. She misses her grandsons girlfriend" He smirk, then winks when he says the word 'girlfriend'.

"Yeah sure i'll come. Let me just grab my phone" I smile grabbing my phone, forgetting that Sophia and Lily were still on FaceTime. "I'll call you later" I whispered, both of  them saying 'okay' each and 'goodbyes'.

After that we all headed to the car where Dom, Nikki, Sam and Harry were. Harry and Sam were in the very back whilst me, Tom and paddy were in front of them. And of course in the driver seat was Dom and Nikki in the passenger seat. (7 seater car).

Toms Nans house was where most of the young memory's were made. The boys used to always go to her house, which they then invited me and Harrison over nearly all the time. His grandparents didn't actually live that far at all. From Kirsty's house it was only a 10-15 minute drive.

I don't know If i've mentioned this before, but Toms Nan (grandma) thinks that we are together. And well....I guess me and Tom have just lied with it too. She just gets so happy about me and Tom finds it cute and sweet so we decided to just go through with it.

Ever since puberty started, his Nan thought Tom had a crush on me. (And she was right) And the same goes for me, she said it was the way we looked at each other. It was about 3 and a half years ago when she started calling me Toms 'girl'.


Me and Tom were play fighting one day at his Nans house, when somehow it had turned into a tickle battle. Tom was hovering over me, tickling my sides, laughing every time I squealed and screamed in laughter.

"T-Tommy stop" I giggle trying to wiggle out of his grip.

"Not until you say I'm the best" He smirks letting me breathe for some air.

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