Drug dealers

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Warning: Shouting, screaming, crying, mentions of violence and Rape and blood.

I heard the door break open and then with loud footsteps. I hid behind the living room door at first, planning on a way to get upstairs without the three drug dealers noticing. I made my move shortly after one guy entered the room.

"OI SHE HERE!" The man behind me shouted, that's when I bolted up the stairs. As soon as I got to the last step, I felt someone grab my foot.

"AHHH! GET THE FUCK OFF ME" I try kick him but it was no use.

"Where's you father?" the man asked picking me up then taking my up the stairs.

"I-I don't know please just let me go. I have nothing to do with Ethan" I scream.

He then punches me in my face and it hurt like a bitch. "Listen to me you little bitch! Your one of the closest things to Ethan and we want revenge-" he was about to punch me again but then we heard someone shout.


They all laughed "Oh look who it is-" another man said.


"MY DAD IS NOT HERE. JUST LEAVE HER ALONE PLEASE! Y/N IS ALL I HAVE" Jake cried to the drug dealers.

"Grab him" the guy holding me said.

"No!" I punch the guy in the jaw, then quickly ran in front of Jake. "Please you can have anything you want or even doing anything you want...j-just don't touch him please. I'm begging you. You can do anything or i'll do anything just not my little brother please" I pleaded. There was nothing for me to do, I couldn't let them hurt Jake. I didn't care what they would do to me, Jake needed to be safe and not hurt.

"Okay you have a deal y/n. I can do whatever I want to you, beat you black and blue anything. I actually want to be pleased right now so that would be great. Boys keep the kid in the room" the guy who I assumed was the boss said.

"No! NO Y/N" Jake cried once he saw the man kick me to the ground.

"Please don't do this" I scream knowing what's going to happen. I was about to get raped....

He slaps me in the face "This will only hurt a little baby girl" he then rips my top open, taking his jeans off.

I closed my eyes, letting the tears fall down my cheeks as I sob waiting for it to all happen. But then I heard sirens! YESS! I thought in my head.

"Boss the police we need to go" one of the drug dealers walked out of the room.


That's when I felt it. I sharp pain to my stomach. I didn't even feel it at first, as I was just frozen. But as soon as they started to run down the stairs I looked down to see that he stabbed me. My blood was flowing out. My eyes felt heavy and like they wanted to close. All I wanted to do was sleep now.

"Y/N! FUCK! No no no. Hey! stay with me" I heard a voice. I felt someone hold onto my stomach to try put some pressure on where I had just been stabbed. My vision was blurry at first, then I recognised the person to be....Tom?

"T-Tom?" I choke out.

"Yeah I'm here, don't worry. You need to stay with me y/n" he lightly taps my cheek.

"Y/N NOOOO! Y/N" Jake cried sitting next to me.


"Please stay awake y/n. I need you here!"

That's the last thing I ever heard before it all went black.


I was helping my mum make dinner for tonight, when I heard my phone ring. It was Y/N. I put my phone on loud speaker, thinking that it would be a normal call and because I was chopping up the potatoes.

"Hey y/n-"

"T-Tom?" Jake cried, I quickly stopped what I was doing and put my phone off loud speaker, then to my ear so I can hear him better.

"What's wrong Jake? Where's y/n?"

"AHHH! GET THE FUCK OFF ME" Y/N screamed in the background.

"T-Tom please come here. T-there's these D-drug dealers and there hurting her" Jake cried.

"I'm on my way stay on the phone" I ran to get my shoes on. "Mum call the police please to y/n's house say that people have broken in" I told my mum then ran out of the house.

"There hurting her I have to go help her"

"No, Jake stay where you-"


They all laughed "Oh look who it is-" someone said.

"JAKE NO! GO NOW HIDE PLEASE" I heard y/n cry.

"MY DAD IS NOT HERE. JUST LEAVE HER ALONE PLEASE! Y/N IS ALL I HAVE" Jake cried. He must've had the phone in his pocket or something as I heard everything.

"Grab him"

"No!" Y/N shouted and then I heard someone groan in pain. "Please you can have anything you want or even doing anything you want...j-just don't touch him please. I'm begging you. You can do anything or i'll do anything just not my little brother please" she pleaded. I was almost there I was running so fast while listening. I couldn't loose y/n or Jake.

"Okay you have a deal y/n. I can do whatever I want to you, beat you black and blue anything. I actually want to be pleased right now so that would be great. Boys keep the kid in the room" Someone said, making my heart drop. Y/N would do anything for Jake but now she is letting him rape her.

"No! NO Y/N" Jake cried and then the phone cut off.

Seconds later I was at the house, hearing sirens in the distance. The door was wide open, they must have escaped. I ran up the stairs to see y/n on the floor with blood coming out from her stomach. ONE OF THEM MUST HAVE STABBED HER!

"Y/N! FUCK! No no no. Hey! stay with me" I put pressure on her stomach.

"T-Tom?" she whispered looking at me.

"Yeah I'm here, don't worry. You need to stay with me y/n" I lightly tap her cheek.

"Y/N NOOOO! Y/N" Jake cried sitting next to her.

"Y/N PLEASE STAY WITH ME" I cried. "SHE'S UP HERE HELP PLEASE SHE BLEEDING!" I shouted once I heard people rushing through the door.

"Please stay awake y/n. I need you here!" that's when I saw her eyes shut closed.

"Back up. She's lost a lot of blood she needs to get to the hospital now" one of the paramedics push me away.

"Are you her brother?" someone asked me.

"He's her boyfriend and I'm her brother" Jake cried.

"Come with me. We will question you on the way she needs to go now"

We then went into the back of the ambulance van. I held Jake whilst he cried into my shoulder and I just stared at y/n's body. I needed her to stay alive....

I love her.

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