Bad bitch

601 8 4

Sorry I took long to post been a weird week last week, idk why😭😂

Right now i'm sitting on a bench with my headphones in my ear. Yeah, Im at school. I just decided to skip Science today, I really couldn't be asked.

I was humming the tune to Y/F/S (your fav song), when I felt someone tap my shoulder. Taking my earphones out my ear, I see Ellis? He gave me a light smile before sitting in front of me.

"S-sorry am I on your bench?" I shyly ask thinking that I'm sitting where his friends sit.

"No, not at all. I just wanted to come s-say hi that's all. We have our project due soon" He says.

"Oh yeah. Shit. Sorry I wasn't in, I can finish the rest" I smile.

"No don't be silly. I just wanted to know If you wanted to come by mine after school if your free? F-for the project of course" He adds that last bit after.

"Y-yeah sure"

"Here just put your number in my phone and i'll tell you the address" he passes me his phone, so I put my number in and save it.

Passing the phone back to him he gives me a smile, then the bell goes for lunch. "I'll see you later Wilson" He winks at me and I blush a little.

When he leaves, I quickly walk over to the bench where all the group sits. Sophia was there already and she saw my smile on my face.

"Where was you for science- awww what's that smile for?" She smirks.

"Oh nothing" I put a strand behind my ear and sit down opposite her.

"Come on just tell me" she says and I see Tom, Harrison, Lily and Cameron coming over.

"I got Ellis number. I'm going to his house after school for the project" I whisper with a smile.

"OMGGGG!" She shouts so I shush her. "omggg. That's crazy and he's hot-" she now whispers.

"Who's hot? Hope your talking about me" Harrison kisses Sophia's head.

"I'm talking about Ellis brown. Ms Wilson got his number whilst not being in science. She's gonna go to his house" She smirks and I heard Tom chock.

"you alright there?" I chuckle and he nods taking a sip of water.

"y/n likes Ellis! And she's going to his house, wow. You finally gonna loose your virginity?" Harrison jokes.

"What! Noooo. It's just for the project. Stop saying that just because you and Sophia have sex 24/7" I say.

"We do not! You haven't had sex so you don't know how addictive it can get" Sophia scoffs.

"Well I'm sorry that I'm the only virgin here" I say.

"Your not the only virgin y/n/n. So is Tom" Harrison says which makes me chock.



"Since when has Tom been a virgin" I asked mostly towards Tom.

"You thought I wasn't a virgin, Love" He smirks.

"W-well I thought y-you wasn't because the amount of times you have had your tongue down some girls throats. That's a surprising, how has no girl wanted to, you know" I was actually shocked.

"I don't know actually. Why is it bad that a girl hasn't had sex with me?"

"I-it's not bad. Y-your just hot, so I thought-" I stopped myself straight away, mentally slapping myself so hard in the face.

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