Angry y/n

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Warning: shouting, swearing.

"Shut up your gonna wake them up" I heard someone whisper which pulled me out of my sleep.

Then I heard a click noise, which sounded as if someone was taking a photo. I quickly open my eyes to see not just Harrison and Cameron but also Lily and Sophia taking pictures of me and Tom?

"What are you doing!" I groan pulling the covers over my face, however Sophia pulled them back down.

"Stoppp" I groan trying to get comfortable again, until I realised i'm on Toms chest which made me blush.

"Piss off" He groaned with his eyes still shut and then tightening his grip around my waist.

"You guys are so cute!" Lily squeals, then you hear another click as she takes a photo, which made Toms eyes shot open.

"What the fuck are you guys doing I wanna sleep" He groans looking down at me. "Morning darling, how you feeling?" He changes his tone just to talk to me and I found that so cute.

"Morning, I'm feeling better-"

"so you just change your tone when you speak to her" Harrison laughs.

"Anyways, how are you? We heard everything that happened" Sophia sat by my feet.

Smiling I reply back saying, "I'm alright, just scared me that's all. I'm happy that your all here now though"

A few minutes has passed and we are all now sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast. Well just me, Sophia and Lily as the boys were in the living room that was joint to it.

"Ooo what happened at Ellis' house!!" Sophia asks a bit too loud.

"We kissed..." I blurt out.

"WHATTTT OMG, AHHHHHH Y/N AND ELLIS KISSED!" Sophia and Lily both screamed which made all the boys run in the kitchen.

"What? Who kissed" Cameron asked.

"It's not a big-"

"Y/N AND ELLIS KISSED" Lily shouts.

"WHAT YOU KISSED ELLIS" Harrison acts like a fan girl. However when I looked at Tom he looked a bit mad?

"Shut up. Well it kinda just happened, but it meant nothing I swear....he's gay" I say and I see Tom smile a little. Ellis told me I could tell them he was gay but I knew they wouldn't tell anyone.

"Ellis is gay? Wow, that's a new one" Cameron chuckles.

"Yeah, he just wanted to make sure he was gay. Because he didn't know for 100%" I told them.

"Oh okay. Anyways i'm gonna go back home as mum wants me back. y/n want me to drop you home?" Tom asks whilst putting on his shoes.

"Yeah, sure" I then say bye to everyone, getting my bag and my phone. I was only in a shirt and shorts but luckily Harrison doesn't live to far, only like 8-10 minutes from mine.

As we got to mine, I really didn't want to go in as I was scared he would be there. "You want me to stay for a little while?" He asked and I nodded.

"If you don't mind, I'm just...just-" I sigh not being able to form words.

"Don't worry I'm here" He takes the keys out of my hands, opening the door and then grabbing my hand pulling me behind him.

After I shut the door and we both took our shoes off, walking into the front room, which we thought would be empty. But to my thoughts there sat two people.

I didn't know who it was at the start until I saw her....Ellie. "E-ellie?" I stutter.

(I know my last book the cousin was called Ellie, but my cousin is called Ellie so if it's your name change it to something else x )

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