Wet Dream

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Warning: Kinda a smut in his dream yk

Who wants a smut one soon???

"So now that you both are dating, have you done it?" Harry asked.

Originally the plan was just to tell the Hollands at dinner after Nikki had caught us. Of course, everyone supports us and loves us both. However the brothers on the other hand, especially Harry kept asking way too much.

It was the little things at the start like, if we have kissed or how long we loved each other for. Now Harrys asking if we ever ever had sex and let me just say this now, if me and Tom did we would never tell her family nor his brothers.

"No we haven't can you stop asking questions" Tom's cheeks were going red.

Wait, does he want to?

"Have you ever seen each other naked before?" Sam then asked.

"No!" Tom had replied but I replied "Yes" at the same time, which made him look at me. "Well i've seen him naked by accident of course, but we were just friends then" I tell them.

"Enough of this conversation now, I'm happy for you y/n and Tom. Im gonna clean this all up now" Nikki said standing up, Dom following her to help.

"Let's play truth or dare in my room" Harry suggested and we all nod. I then took Liam out of his chair, whipping his hands and his face, before making our way up the stairs into Harry's bedroom.

"You can sit on my bed, you know" He told me.

"Nope i'm good, not after you were jacking off" I said and we all laughed.

We then played a few little games of truth of dare, at first it was stupid little things like prank calling people or posting something on instagram. But then it was Tom's turn again and he chose dare. "I dare you......" Harry then whispers something in Tom's ear. At first he said no but then after he agreed to do it.

At this point I was laying on the floor on my stomach, resting on my elbows. I was looking at the boys confused as I wanted to know the dare but then I felt a hand squeeze my ass. Tom's hand was on top of my right ass cheek squeezing it for a quick second then he pulled away.

"Sorry" He apologised quickly feeling like it was too much that he did without asking.

"Did you just touch her butt?" Jake laughed.

"I dared him to do it" Harry said.

"That was the most shittest dare ever Harry" I now was laughing. Then Nikki shouted for the boys to all go to bed as it was getting too late now.

I stood up with the help of Tom, picking up Liam who was now asleep, placing him into the guest room with Jake. Giving them both a kiss on their head, and saying goodnight, I walked into Tom's room, closing the door behind me.

Then I got changed into one of my crop Tops and some shorts. Tom was sitting on his bed, with his head against the headboard and his legs out.

"You okay?" I asked sitting next to him rubbing his leg.

"Y-yeah. I'm sorry about earlier I-"

"Why are you apologising you dork. I'm your girlfriend remember. You can do whatever you want, it wasn't that bad you just touched my ass." I reassure him.

"But your face-"

"I was just shocked, no guy had ever-ever touched my ass or body really before" I mumbled but he heard. "You could touch me anywhere and I wouldn't mind, baby. Don't overthink it, to be honest that dare was a little thing. We never really have even you know intimate like that of course. We're still young anyways so we're experiencing things" I straddle his lap, playing with the strings of his hoodie.

"Can I asked you something?" I asked and he nodded. "Do you ever think about us, like....do you wanna be more intimate?"

"Well, I would be lying if i said no. But I wanna do things when it's right and we should do it in baby steps" He smiles at me, then I see him look down at my boobs, where my cleavage was showing.

I slowly take his right hand, taking a deep breath before placing it on my right boob. He looked at me to ask if I was sure so I nodded. He slowly squeezed my boob, I grabbed his other hand, placing it on my left ass cheek.

"You don't have to ask, you can touch me" I smiled at him. He then kissed me slowly and softly. It must've lasted a few seconds as it got sloppy as we were both tired. We then pulled away and I got off his lap, laying next to him.

"Goodnight princess" He kissed the back of my neck, pulling me closer to his body.

"Goodnight babe" I smiled, sinking into his touch.

Toms POV

"Uhhh yes darling-fuck!" I moaned as she started to ride me.

"Fuck-Tommy shit" Y/n moaned as she sunk back down onto my cock.

"Ughhh, baby girl I don't think i'm gonna last much longer-shit" I moaned again as I felt her walls clench around me.

She then started to slow down her pace, breathing heavily. So I flipped us both over, me being on Top now. This made me thrust into her even deeper and rougher.

"O-oh my god. Tom-uhhhh i-im" She gasped.

"Hold on, I'm almost there" I slammed back into her going faster, feeling myself going to release.

"Baby, I can't uhhh-I'm gonna cum" her nails were digging into my back.

"cum for me princess, cum all over my cock" I moaned as she came, I followed right after her.

"uhhhhhhh" I moaned out loud, grinding my cock. My eyes quickly opened before another moan escaped my mouth. Then they widen.

SHIT! Fuck! I had another wet dream. And im literally grinding my dick into y/n's ass.

"Fuck" I mumble to myself.


I woke by the noise of moaning? "uhhhh" I heard Tom moan, feeling his arms around my waist pulling me closer. He was grinding his bulge in my ass which made me smirk.

"uhhh y/n, fuck. ughhh" He moaned again as I pressed my ass into his clothed member. This guy was having a wet dream about me, and somehow it felt good that he was grinding his cock into my ass.

I then started to slowly grind my ass down, where he kept thrusting into. He let another moan out this time more louder as I felt liquid on my shorts.

He came.

It was silent for a minute, then I heard him mumble "Fuck". He must've woken up and realised what he just done.

"Shit, shit. I'm so sorry baby" He whispered thinking i'm still asleep. I turn around real quick before he could try get up or do anything. His face went red out of embarrassment.

"Morning" I smiled kissing his lips.

"M-morning y/n" He stuttered.

"Did you have a good dream?" I smirked and his eyes widen. "I'm joking, it's okay. Don't worry. I'm happy you was having a wet dream about me"

"y-you are?" He asked and I nod. "Yes, Better than anything else. Although now your cum is all over my shorts. That was a lot" I lift the covers looking at his boxers, which had a wet patch on them too. "Must've been a good dream"

"y-yeah it was alright. I'm sorry by the way. I'll give you something else to wear-" He was about to get up but I pushed him back down, straddling him 

"Shhhhh pretty boy"

Smut next or nah?

Bc if not ill skip the detail or i'll do like a semi smut where i just do some and like time skip to when they finish doing it.

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