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This is short but cute it's because on the weekend I was kinda busy and I needed to post a part for you all and I don't have time due to the amount of homework I have to do.

If you have any suggestions for cute things let me know:)

Hope everyone had a good weekend!!

A few days have passed, not a lot has happened. However Tom did in fact take me on a date, to a beautiful restaurant. Not too fancy but it was still so nice.

We ate, talked about many things and had the best time ever. I've never really been on a date so it was nice and special. I love Tom and he loves me, that's all i'll ever need.

Now we're back at school....sadly. I haven't been in for about two weeks after what had happened. My bruises had finally started to disappear, the marks on my body had gone as well.

Looking in the mirror, I felt good about myself. I didn't apply any makeup, only mascara and some lip balm. I didn't look that bad, but I really didn't care at all. Today was PE so I wore a white tshirt with my black hoodie and a pair of black leggings.

"Y/n I'm gonna walk with my friend today, he's just outside bye" Jake hugs me from behind then runs out of the door.

"Okay bye!" I shout as he shuts the door.

Oh and I forgot to mention. Yeah, I'm back at home. Butttttt.....I'm just trying it out and If it doesn't go well the social worker said me and Jake can live with Kirsty.

Then we can get a bigger house hopefully near my school or near Toms. My mum hasn't really spoken to me, I haven't even tried to speak to her, there's just no point.

The knock on the door made me jump from the sofa, throwing my bag over my shoulder I opened the door. And as always the cutest guy was standing there with a big smile. Thomas Stanley Holland.

"Hello Mr Holland, what brings you here?" I smile shutting the door behind me.

"Coming to walk my girl and I to school" He grins, putting his arm around my shoulder and kissing my head.

"awww how cute" I tease. "Anyways when are we gonna tell the others?" I ask looking up at him whilst we walk. "We can tell them today at the way you look really pretty" he says pulling me closer to his body.

"I don't really. I'm just wearing my Pe kit and-"

"Hey! You are pretty, beautiful all the time. Don't ever say 'I don't really' when your the most stunning girl ever" He says seriously, I then giggle at his cuteness.

When we arrived at school, we had to go straight to class which was in fact science. That we were both in with Harrison and Sophia. Everything was going okay, until I entered the classroom and got absolutely shouted at for no reason.

"Y/N wait outside now!" My science teacher shouted and I looked at him in shock and so did Tom.

"I-I didn't-" I didn't even want to finish as he gave me a look, the look where the teacher is about to explode. "Ughhh" I groan walking out.

About two minutes later he came outside, shutting the door behind him, looking down at me. "Y/n you haven't been attending my classes, therefore you will have to do tutoring after school" He said, why the fuck was he so angry before?


"It's sir to you!" He shouted at me.

"Sir, I have reasons to why I haven't been attending- well I haven't been at school. I will not be doing tutoring as I have other things to do and i'll just catch up, like I have to with my other classes" I say, going to walk to the door but he steps in front of it.

"Then you will have a detention everyday to catch  up-"

"No I will not, that's not fair" I snap as he's ruining my mood.

"Y/N DONT TALK BACK. You can wait outside until you want to listen" He yells, walking back inside the class room.

I took a deep breath then about five minutes later I walk in. I didn't want to lose my shit, I had to stay calm because I know I would probably flip if he annoyed me anymore. Of course when I open the door everyones eyes all stare at me.

"y/n you can sit at the back, i'll be there in a sec" Sir said, so I walked to the back where no one was and sat there. My whole row had no one and Tom was on the other side far away now.

Once he had set the work that everyone needed to do, he came over to me. He sat really close I must say, trying to help me with a worksheet. This guy is a creep I must say, he's very very touchy and makes every girl uncomfortable.

"So what's the answer to this?" He asked rubbing my arm, I tried to move away but he kept coming closer.

Tom gave me eye contact and I gave him the 'help me' eyes. He stood up, coming over to the back to help me. Then our teacher took his hand off me moving away a little. "Yes, Tom?" He asked.

"I can help y/n. I've done a lot of work and I've been getting good marks" He said sitting on the other side next to me, placing all his stuff down.

"Fine, but make sure she learns" He gets up walking away to another table.

"Thanks, Tommy" I whisper turning to him seeing his jaw clenched looking at the teacher walk away. "Babe?" He turns his head to me.

"Y-yeah, sorry. You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just got mad at me for not being at school even though I had reason" I place my hand on his arm to reassure him.

"Also did you just call me babe?" He grins and I blush. I just realise that i've never called him that before. "It's cute. Anyways let's learn some science shall we, baby?" He smirks picking up my pen.


Now it was lunch, I was very excited to tell everyone about me and Tom. We all sat down and started some random conversations about different things. Tom sat next to me holding my hand, then squeezed it looking at me as a signal that it was time we tell them.

"Sooo guys" I start off and they all stop talking to look at me. "Me and Tom have something to tell you all" They wait for me to carry on.

"We're dating" Tom says giving my hand a light squeeze.

"Wait! OMGGGGG WHAT!" Lily shouts in excitement.

"Since when! Omg Y/N AND TOM YESS. You know y/n always loved you...wait shit did you even-"

"yes we have both said that we love each other because we do" I look at Tom and smile.

"I'm so happy for you bro" Harrison and Cameron says as they do there little handshake thing with him.

"My ship has sailed!" Lily screams so I shush her a little, which ended in all of us laughing.

I'm glad that my friends know now all that's left is Toms family and the last of mine, which is Kirsty, Jake and my mum. :)

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