The video

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My next book is gonna be called, 'The unexpected marriage'. This book is coming to an end soon so i'll be working on that book after, it is a mob book.

It will have some triggers like violence and stuff, I'm sorry I know my books always have things like that but I like writing things to do with them subjects. I feel like I write better when it's in that category and it's easier.

Also go see all my tumblr imagines, I would appreciate it if you all would follow and like my posts! And feel free to send requests over. @tomholland1996simp

Anyways carrying on with the story.

Warning: Mentions of rape and sex.

Toms POV

The party was lit last night, it was just me and the boys. I don't really remember what happened for me to be in a random persons bed, I was drunk as fuck and everything from last night is a blur. As I turned in the unknown bed, I tried to reach for my phone which I thought would've been next to me, however I felt a body instead.

"y/n?" I tap the persons body who I thought would've been my girlfriend, because who else would It be? The groan turning around in the bed moving there body towards my back, she then placed a sweet kiss on the back of my neck hands rubbing my arms. I quickly turn around going to kiss my girlfriend, but instead I was met with the eyes of Jessica?!

"WHAT THE FUCK-" I shout standing up from the bed, but when I looked down I was naked. "Wait no no...did we?" I motion between me and Jessica hoping she didn't say the worst.

"Yeah we fucked. Now lay back down, let's go for another round" Jessica smirked at me, her breasts coming out from the covers making me turn away from her. Luckily my boxers were on the floor so I picked them up. "We had sex last night why you turning your back" she snickered.

"What happened last night!" I finally turned to her. "I thought you was y/n! Fuck no no no! I have a fucking girlfriend Jessica" I snap realising that I just cheated on the best thing in my life.

"Your the one who came onto me, you wasn't complaining whilst I was riding that-"

"Don't even finish your sentence. I have a fucking girlfriend, I don't like you! I fucking hate your guts" With that I walked out the room, grabbing my phone before pulling on my clothes on leaving the house. Now I had to text y/n to tell her the news tonight.


She left, y/n left me. I feel so guilty right now, I was drunk out my mind. And her gorgeous face was filled with tears, i've never seen her so hurt before. I did that to her. I'm such a fucking idiot.

"FUCK!" I yell, punching the wall in my room, making a small hole. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I keep on punching the wall until my knuckles cut and start to bleed.

My door then opened quickly revealing Harry, Sam and Paddy. Harry pulling me away so I couldn't hurt myself anymore as tears fell down my face. "Get off me!" I shout trying to fight them off but I felt weak.

"You need to calm down man! STOP TOM! What's wrong with you!" Sam shouts at me.

"I lost her" That's the only words I could manage to say.



Six days have passed, Six fucking days. Six days since Tom told me he cheated on me, Six days since I ended my relationship with him, Six days I got told the worst thing ever.

Pain was all I could feel. It hurts it really does, i've been crying for six days straight now. I haven't even gone to school, I physically and mentally can't. I don't wanna see his face...I still love him.

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