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Warning: Not really a warning but y/n will be having to distract a creepy man.

A/N: Also sorry I didn't post yesterday I was at my aunties baby shower! She's having a girl yassss. And another reminder is that next week is the start of my mocks, so i'll post every other day maybe because posting every day will be hard when revising a lot. Have a nice day bye xxx

I was still trying to sleep in Toms bed, until I heard something smash downstairs. I walk down the stairs, turning on the light to see what smashed. I then saw my dad kissing another women, in the Holland's house?!

He stopped kissing her, when he realised I was watching him. I could see pure anger in his eyes, so I ran back up the stairs. I quickly shut the door in Toms room, then hid under his covers. The next thing I know, the door opened and my Dad pulls the covers off me, grabbing my neck tight.

"No, Stop PLEASE!" I beg.

"THIS IS WHAT BITCHES GET Y/N!" he grabs my neck harder.

"I-I can't" I couldn't breathe anymore.

"y/n? Wake up" I heard him say.


"Darling? Y/N?"

I wake up from my dream, breathing heavily. I was happy that it was a dream only. But I felt hands touching my neck, so I moved away quickly.

"Hey, hey. It's just me" A voice said that belonged to Tom.

"Tommy what the fuck? Why was you touching my neck" I grab my neck slowly.

"I-I was cleaning the mascara that was running down your face still and then I saw then bruises" He sat on his bed.

"o-oh. Thanks. I'm sorry" I hold back my tears, faking a smile.

"Are you gonna tell me who did it? Or maybe why your sleeping at my house crying in my bed?" he put his hand on my arm.

"I-I wait what's the time?" I ask. "It's 2pm right now, you must've been tired" he chuckled.
"Yeah I was, where's Jake?"

"He's downstairs, playing ps4 with Harry and Sam. Now can you tell me why your crying? You know I hate seeing you cry and If you don't tell me I can't-"

"My dad cheated on my mum in her face, Jake saw it all. They had a very big argument, got me involved. My dad went to leave but I didn't let him take Jake. I also found out that-" I couldn't even finish my sentence as I just broke down crying. Tom came close to me and held me, rocking me to try calm me down. He stayed quiet so I could finish.

"-My mum said that she never wanted me. And now she's besties with my dad after he cheated" I sobbed into his chest.

"Y/n/n. You know that's just the drink speaking right?" He kissed my head.

"But drunk words are sober thoughts Tom. I just hate my life" I finally had calmed down a little.

"You don't hate it y/n, your just going through a lot right now. And don't worry i'll be here" he pulled me away from the hug and looked down at my bruised neck. "Did he do that?" he asked.


"Don't lie to me y/n"

"If I tell you the truth you can't tell anyone not even your mum or Harrison"

"I won't I promise. But did he do that!" he raised his voice a bit.

"Y-Yeah he did. And he also slapped me in the face, he's never been this bad though. I'm scared" I look down.

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