Mother and Father figures

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P.S I need more suggestions give me help before I start the thing I want to put it but not just yet:)

It has been a week since we all had that sleepover. We didn't do much the next day, we just had breakfast and went to the shopping centre. Nothing has really happened this past week, I've just been at home or trying to find ways to not be bored. I did go to Toms house about two days ago, so at least I did something this week.

Today I planned for me and Jake to have a movie night and spend some time together. This was the only time we could be happy as my parents weren't here. I don't know where they are to be honest, they just said they had some 'business' to do.

It does get to me a lot when they leave. I always want to talk to them, we'll mostly my mum. I wanna have them mother to daughter conversations that some people get but I don't. But no. My mum never talks to me about things or even asks me. I had to learn how to do certain things on my own, like shaving or periods.

I got my period about 2 years ago when I was 14, people say that's quiet old to get your period, I guess I'm lucky I got it late. I wish I could tell my mum everything, especially things about boys.

Once I tried to talk to her about sex and shit, that didn't work though. All I wanted to know is how it felt or what to I'm not gonna lie I'm scared for that to happen. That's why with Riley I didn't want to. I want to loose my virginity to someone who I love and cares about me.

I haven't even tried to pleasure myself yet! Well it's not like I haven't tried or anything, I just don't know how to. There's other ways to pleasuring yourself and that's all I can try do, it doesn't always work. Sometimes I get horny, which is okay, but I have no clue what to do.

Sometimes I just think about someone or some things, then all of a sudden I get this feeling. My best friends always talk about things like this, Sophia has already lost her virginity and Lily probably will soon too.

Oh yeah I don't think I mentioned, Harrison and Sophia has sex!

I know crazy right. Sophia called me about 4 days ago, spilling everything about it..maybe a bit too much. She told me it hurt for like a bit but then was nice after.

I just don't understand myself, why am I so scared of having sex?!

(Btw it's okay to be scared for your first time or worried. I haven't lost my virginity by the way I'm just saying lol).

Anyways enough of talking about sex and shit, the main point is I wish I had that mother figure in my life to tell things to. Jake even needs the father figure as well.

"Y/N, How can I get a girl to like me?" Jake interrupted me from my thoughts.

See I told you, he needs a father figure in his life! "Ooo who's the special lady?" I tease crossing my legs on the sofa to face him.

"H-her name is Chloe. And I really like her, but I don't know if she likes me. What do you like about boys?" He tries to hide his face from embarrassment.

"Don't be embarrassed, you can tell me anything remember?" he nods. "Well what I like in a boy lets seee. I like when a boy is kind and nice to me, who shows that they care about me. All you have to do is be nice and respect her but make sure she does the same. How about you arrange a play date here one day. Of course Mum and Dad can't be here but i'll watch you both. We can order food, you can look cute for her and i'll get her some flowers. Then we will see if she likes you?" I suggest.

"Your the best sister ever! Do you like anyone?" he hugs me.

"No, I don't" I lie. "How about Tom? He's nice and kind to you, he cares about you. He defiantly likes you too" he says

"Toms my best friend-"

"Who you like?"

"Your too nosey mister. Now let's watch a movie" I chuckle turning on the tv.

We were half way through the movie we was watching, when we heard a loud bang on the door. I slowly grabbed the remote to pause the tv and I put my finger on my lip to signal for Jake to be quiet.

"Shhhh come" I whisper grabbing her hand walking to the door. I looked through the hole and saw 3 men wearing all black standing outside.

"OPEN UP ETHAN! WE WANT OUR MONEY FOR THE DRUGS" One guy banged on the door.


Of course my Dad, Ethan, owed people some money but they never knew where we lived! They all were drug dealers obviously.

"Ethan's not home right now try again another day" I say thinking that would help the situation but I was very wrong.


"Fuck, fuck. Jake come on it's okay don't cry. Remember our hiding spot?" he nods whilst crying. "Go hide there and don't come out till I say okay?" He shakes his head.

"Noo come with me" he whispers.

"I need to get something that will protect us and I promise i'll be there. Go there now" I push him up the stairs.

Me and Jake always are prepared for situations, maybe not like this. However, whenever my Dad was angry we used to always hide under my bed.

I quickly ran into the kitchen to grab a knife, I looked for my phone in the living room.

"Fuck" I muttered when I realised it was upstairs in my room on charge.


The door opened.....

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