cover that neck

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Need some ideas before this book ends gonna make some drama soon last bit of drama or whatever. Sorry this took long to post i've been busy:)

Me and Tom both got into the shower just enjoying the comfortable silence. We both helped to wash each other's hair and making sure were all clean. Once we were both finished, Tom turned off the water getting out before me to get me and him a towel. He passed me one and I thanked him before wrapping it around my body feeling fresh.

Tom dried himself before slipping on a pair of boxers and socks. He ruffled a towel through his hair whilst I took one of his shirts from his draws.

"Im just gonna tell everyone to leave, i'll be back. Do you want anything?" He asked kissing my head.

"Could you just get me a glass of water?" I asked he nodded straight away, leaving the room closing the door behind him. Tom went downstairs, there wasn't many people to kick out so it wasn't that hard. Once he knew no one was left he filled up a glass of water and walked up the stairs.

I had got changed into one of Toms long shirts that were hanging by my thighs. I didn't have any more shorts left in my suitcase, I didn't fancy wearing anything else then my thin pair of pjs shorts. So I slid on my black clean panties on hoping Tom wouldn't mind if I slept like this, you couldn't really see it anyways as his T-shirt was big on me.

Tom knocked on the door waiting for me to say he could come in, even though it was his room. I told him he could come in so he did. He handed me my glass of water, I took a few sips out of it before placing it on his bedside table. When I turned around Tom was looking at me up and down, most likely seeing me in just my panties when I stretched over to put the glass on the side.

"Oh-I erm I hope you don't mind...I-I didn't have any shorts left and well-If you want I can put something on-" I panicked thinking he might be uncomfortable.

However he just smiled pulling me onto the bed with him, "No it's okay, just nice seeing you in my clothes with just your underwear on." He smirks a little, making me playfully smack his arm. "I really enjoyed it, you did amazing darling. Hope I didn't hurt you. Are you bleeding?" He lifted up the covers so we can both crawl in.

"It was perfect Tommy, thanks. I'm just bleeding a little but that's normal-" A yawn interrupts what I was saying.

"Let's get some sleep, love" He pulled me closer to him by my waist, me turning over being the little spoon.

"Goodnight bubs" I snuggled into his chest more.

"Goodnight my beautiful princess" He kissed the back of my neck, falling straight into a deep sleep.


The morning light shinning through the open blinds woke me up. The light shining on mine and Toms bodies. Opening my eyes, letting out a small groan to the blinds being open waking me up from my nice sleep. My head was laying on top of Toms toned chest, little snores escaping his lips as his chest rises up and down.

I started to place small kisses along his collar bone up to his neck then his jaw line. "Mmmh, baby" He groans feeling my lips place small kisses to his cheek.

"Morning baby boy" I whisper kissing the corner of his lips teasing him a little. "Kiss me on the lips" he pouted his lips out so I could kiss them but I didn't, I continued to kiss down his jaw, now laying above him. He let a small moan out grabbing my jaw and smashing our lips together.

After seconds he pulls away so it couldn't lead to more, "Darling, we better stop because I won't be able to if you carry on" He pecks my lips one more time. I smiled a little 'okay' pecking his lips and rolling of him, standing up fixing his shirt more on my body. "Where are you going?" He whined covering his face due to the sunlight being in his face now.

"Tommy your parents will be back soon and there's still a mess downstairs" I tell him walking out the room so he couldn't complain anymore.

It wasn't that bad really, our friends did message me saying they cleaned some of it up. All I needed to do was pick up some cups, wash the floor and make sure everything's in place. Only took a little while, whilst Tom was in the shower.

I finally threw the last bag in the rubbish bin, now everything looked like it did before. "Y/n/n, you could've waited I wanted to help" He whines from behind me.

"There wasn't that much left, don't worry" I told him as he reached to grab a glass from the cupboard. He was only in his boxers so his ass really showed, and everyone knows Tom has a big ass. I grabbed a towel from the side, twisting it around then whipping it at his ass. He jolted up not expecting it.

"Oi! Y/n" He said turning around grabbing the towel off me. "Don't be a bully" He smirked twirling it even more getting ready to hit it at my ass.

"I'm playing—No—TOMMY! That's not fair" He smacks it on my ass, throwing it on the side then pulling me to him grabbing my ass.

"That's not fair but you done it to me?" He quirked his eyebrow up. "Stopp, I've only got panties on" I giggle as he places me on top of the counter.

"And I've just got boxers on?" He smirks pulling me in for a kiss as he holds my ass. "Tom I'm on your family counter just in my underwear and your top" I hop off the counter looking at him in the eyes.

"I could take you right now on this counter" He smirks once again.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, don't test me" his lips were basically touching mine.

"I don't think you have the guts to do it" I test him with a smirk back, that made him smash our lips together. He pulled our bodies close together, grabbing my ass making me moan.

"Mhmm To-" I moan half way, until the door was heard opening by the sound of the keys. We both pull away, groaning that we got interrupted. "Fuck, Tom! I'm in my underwear" I panic realising his family will see me in my underwear but I was too late.

"Sam, Paddy go help m-UM" Harry screamed the last part as he saw me in my underwear and Tom in his. Okay maybe seeing Toms is normal, however Me? Nooo way.  "W-what the fuck!" He whispered screamed. I darted up the stairs before  he could say anymore, I ran into Toms room grabbing a pair of his joggers. Running back down the stairs, now the rest of the holland's were here.

"oiii that's my girlfriend your talking about" Was all I heard when Tom slapped the back of Harry's head.

"Excuse me Thomas, that's not polite to be in your boxers walking around the kitchen" Nikki slaps the back of Toms head, turning to me.

"Morning darling, hope you slept well" she looked at me weirdly, then smirked?

"Might want to cover that neck" Sam muttered to Tom taking a sip from his tea. Oh no. "Oh wait it's your neck too" He pointed to me, everyone looks at my neck, so I cover it with my hands quickly.

"y-yeah, i'm gonna go erm....Tom y-you needed help on that thing right- yeah come on." I motioned for him to get his ass up as I was embarrassed and finding it awkward.

We walked into his room closing the door behind us. "Tommy!!!!" I whine falling onto his bed. "That was so embarrassing! Your brother just saw me in my panties then they see our hickies" I groan.

"I'm sure Harry will forget and so will the other. To be honest Harry that dirty bastard didn't even complain kept looking at you as you ran up the stairs" Tom said showing his jealousy.

"That's all you care about right now? Your brother looking at me" I laugh.

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