"I know what you need, take this"

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Warning: Mentions of sex, kisses and hickeys.

Time skipped to when you arrive...

The beach house was huge, it had many bedrooms, bathrooms and had its own pool. Tom and I had our own room of course, so did Harrison and Sophia. Cameron and Lily had separate bedrooms though, but they didn't care as all the bedrooms were very big.

Outside was a big pool, a hot tub, lots of sun beds, bean bags and a fire place.  When we arrived it started to get dark, due to it getting late. I had slept a little in the car ride there, so I was full of energy. Whilst everyone was looking around the beach hut, I decided to make food. Of course I've been here before young so I didn't need to look around, however everyone else had never been to such a place.

I remember all the memories when young, some were good and some weren't as great. However I used to always go here with Ellie and my other cousin, and oh boy did we get up to a lot. We used to always sneak out to the beach that was near by and mess around. Sometimes at night we would watch all the stars or the sea as the tide got smaller.

"GUYS I MADE FOOD!" I yelled plating up everyone's plates, I didn't make anything go fancy just some nice pasta with some sauce that everyone likes. Once I called for everyone, obviously the boys all ran down the stairs first, greedy little boys.

"Thanks darling" Tom kissed the side of my head taking a plate that had food on, sitting on one of the stools in the kitchen. The others thanked me, taking a seat next to Tom.

Eventually after everyone had eaten, the girls, me, Sophia and Lily cleaned up as the guys went to do something. "So have you and Tom had sex yet?" Lily blurts out.

"W-what. No, not yet" I stutter, totally stun by the unexpected question. 

"Omg you totally have!" Sophia squealed.

"Shut up, they will hear you. We haven't I swear, I mean I kinda...you know" I tried to explain that I gave him head but they didn't understand. "Blowjob, I gave him head that's all" I whispered, kinda feeling guilty after telling them.

Wait, what if Tom didn't want them to know. Shit! Fuck, what if he wanted it to be private. Oh no. Little did you know Tom just done the same, feeling guilty as well. Looks like Sophia and Kily weren't the only ones who wanted to know.

"ahhh omg, your totally gonna have sex soon. You both are virgins, who sleep in the same bed, I mean your hot as fuck who wouldn't want to fuck you. You both are hormonal teenagers who most likely feel horny 24/7" Sophia said and Lily nodded after.

"We haven't really-really spoken about that. Might just happen whenever really, don't wanna plan it" I say.

"I know what you need, take this" Sophia said, whilst we heard the boys coming down the stairs.

She shoved something in my hand, I didn't know at first what it was until I saw that it was a small box of condoms. A large size, a new packet too. They both exited the kitchen leaving me alone with a condom packet in my hand, as soon as I heard someone walk in I hid it behind my back.

Of course it had to be Tom who entered. "Hey love, what you hiding?" He teased trying to grab my arms but I moved away. "Show meeee what your hiding or i'll get it off you" He laughed coming closer.

My heart was racing, I didn't want Tom to think I wanted sex, well I wanted him to know but I don't want it to look like I wasn't gonna speak to him about it. So I shoved it into my back pocket. Tom quickly pulled me close to him grabbing my hands trying to find what I was hiding.

"Where's it gone?" He smirked, holding my small hands in one of his then the other going into my back pockets. I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but I was too slow.

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