Holland Family/Harrison

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The Holland's. They are basically my own family. I've known them most of my life, and the best thing is they only live two roads down from me.

"Hey Y/N and Jake!" Nikki walked to the front door and hugged both of us.

"Hey Nikki how have you been?" I take my shoes off and walk into the kitchen.

"Good H-" she was cut off by a shout.

"TOM WHAT THE FUCK! IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU" Harry yelled, then there was loud footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Thomas what did you do!" Dom asked.

"I might've broken his controller for his ps4?" Tom hides behind you.

"Hi y/n, Jake....TOM WHAT THE FUCK!" Harry shouts, trying to punch Tom.

"Your gonna punch me. Tom let go of me" I try move away but he holds me from behind.

"Boys! Stop it now. Harry I'll buy you a new controller. Let's eat now dinners ready" They both listened to Nikki and sat at the table.

"Paddy! Your getting so big" I pick up the 4 year old, placing him in his chair after.

We then all had dinner together....like a family. This is the only time I get to feel happy in my life, as at home we don't even eat together.

"Thanks for the food Nikki" I pick up the plates.

"No problem dear. Don't worry I got it." she smiles.

I walked into the living room to see Tom and Jake hiding under these blankets on the sofa.
"What are you guys doing?" I chuckle pulling them off.

"BOO!" Jake shouts, I pretend to be scared screaming 'ahhhh'.

"Yeah Toms here" Harry walks in the room giving Tom his phone.

"Oh- Hi Nan" Tom smiles in the phone to his Nan.

"Hi Thomas. What are you going?"

"I'm here with Jake and Y/N" He turns the phone to show me.

"Hello Jake and y/n. Your girlfriend is beautiful Tom, you better be treating her well" his Nan says.

His Nan (grandma) has always thought that me and Tom are dating, even though we told her we are both best friends. Now we just go along with it, because according to her you have been "dating" since you were both 12. So about 3 years you have been "together".

While Tom was on the phone, I heard my phone ding. I got a message from....Harrison?

Harrison🙄 - Y/n can you come to mine after school? I need your help xx

Y/N - Yeah sure. What do you need help with? xx

Harrison🙄 - Ill say when you come here

Y/N - Okay weirdo. Meet me after school and we can walk together, you can tell me then.

Harrison🙄 - Cya bye x

Y/N - bye dork x

I then got another notification and saw that my mum had messaged me to come home. It was about 9p.m now anyways.

"Jake we have to go now" I say.

"But I don't wanna go" he whines.

"Neither do I, But we both have school tomorrow. We will come another time or Tom can come to ours"

"Don't worry Jake, you can come over whenever you like" Nikki hugs us both.

"Let me walk you home" Tom says.

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