"Goodnight darling"

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I won't be posting on weekends anymore that is just sat-Sunday as I've been busy then. I might post sometimes on the weekend but that will probs be....never? Anyways hope you enjoy this it isn't that long but oh well.

Also....soon they will be dating and will confess there love. Maybe the next part or 2 more idk yet.

Enjoy :)

After having a shower I felt refreshed and clean. I did take a bit long as I needed to relax, but luckily now I felt a bit better. Tom left his t-shirt on the bed so I put on the bra I was wearing before and my underwear. Throwing the t-shirt over my head, then going into the draws to get a pair of shorts.

His t-shirt was quite long on me anyways so you will just about see the shorts. After brushing my hair, I heard a light knock on the door followed by a voice saying "Y/N, can I come in?"

"Yeah, you can come in" I say softly.

Then In walked in Harrison, "Do you want some food? Tom is warming up what we made earlier" He smiled softly.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be down in a minute" I smile back at him.

"Okay" He says, then closes the door behind me.

After a couple of minutes I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I messaged Kirsty to let her know that I will be staying at Harrisons house and that i'll be home in the morning so she can drop Jake off.

When I sent the message, I put my phone on the side counter in the kitchen. I sat on a stool as Tom came over to me with a plate of food. (Just think of any food he gave you).

Placing it down in front of me with a glass of Y/F/D. (Your favourite drink).

"Thanks" I smile at him picking up my fork. Honestly I really wasn't that hungry but I knew I had to eat because I didn't eat all day.

"How you feeling?" He asked sitting on the stool next to me and I just shrug my shoulders, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Sorry" I sigh, it almost coming out as a whisper but he still heard me.

He spins my stool so we are now facing each other and he cups my face. "hey, hey don't you ever apologise okay?" He wipes a tear that fell.

"I need to apologise. All you do is listen to my problems and I feel bad because you would much rather do other things than listen to your best friend go on and on. I am sorry for always doing this. You literally could be doing other things that are much better Tom-"

"Don't. Please don't try blame yourself. I am your best friend y/n. I wanna be there for you and you need all the support you can get. I love you, okay. I would probably be with them dickheads if it weren't for you. I love spending time with you and I want you to be happy. I'm here for you darling. I hate seeing you so upset and I hate you blaming yourself for everything when it's not your fault. " He wipes my tears.

"None of this is your fault, it never will be. Soon you will be happy. I promise you that. Your so amazing, I don't know why they do it to you. Your literally perfect y/n. Tomorrow we will call that officer lady and tell her about it, your gonna be okay. "

"Soon that dirty bastard will be where he's meant to be, behind bars. For probably the rest of his life and you will be happy again. I'll be here every step of the way, so will Harrison, Sophia, Cameron, Lily, Kirsty, Jake and even that old lady you help when she forgets where she puts her keys." I giggle a little at his last sentence.

"There's that pretty little smile" He smiles at me, moving a strand that fell from my face.

Ughhhh I wanna kiss him right now. Don't do it y/n. Stop looking at his gorgeous lips.

"Tommorow Sophia and Lily are gonna come over in the morning" Harrison walked into the kitchen. "And Tom does have a point" He adds, walking out the room.

"Thanks Tommy" I smile hold his hands that we're back on my face.

"Don't thank me, love. Now you better eat before your food gets cold" He kisses my forehead which made me have so many butterflies.


I didn't really eat any of my food If i'm honest. I really wasn't that hungry, but I tried. The boys were playing ps4 games when I was finished. I didn't want to be alone. Without anyone. So I just stayed with them whilst they played some fighting game.

Whilst they played I started to doze off into a nice sleep, well that was until Harrison opened his big mouth. "I WONNNN" He shouted, doing his little dance.

Tom must've noticed that I was tired as he came over to the bean bag I was half-laying half-sitting on and sat next to me. "y/n/n, why don't you go to bed? You look exhausted" He kisses the top of my forehead.

"Nooooo. Please I don't wanna be alone" I whisper whine.

"I'll come up with you if you want?" He suggests and I nod. "We're gonna go up" He told the other boys as he lifted me up by my hands.

"Okay, Remember what I said-"

"Shut up Haz" I glare at him and he puts his hands up in defence. "Night" I chuckle.

"Night y/n/n" Cameron and Harrison both say.

Me and Tom both went up the stairs into the bedroom, Tom closed the door behind us as I went straight into the bed, under the covers. I opened my arms for Tom to come cuddle into as I was so tired.

"Your so cute when your tired" He chuckles turning off the light and getting under the covers, snuggling into my arms. His head was on my chest as I played with his hair.

"Isn't this supposed to be the other way round? aren't I meant to comfort you" He chuckles lifting his head up.

"I thought you like me playing with your hair and your head on me?" I smirk.

"Oh I love it"

After Tom said that it went quite for a couple of minutes, until I said something that came to my mind. "Tommy, what If they don't find him? And I'm all alone one day and then what happened today happens again but then I'll actually get hurt and he will kill me a-"

"Don't speak like that, okay. Listen they will find him and he will never ever touch you again. Your not gonna be alone, we will all keep an eye on you until he's gone, I promise you that" He puts his head on his pillow and now pulls me close to him so now my head is on his bare chest.

"I'm just scared" I snuggle into him.

"I know, I know. Let's just get some sleep now" He kisses my forehead and pulls the covers higher over us.

"Okay, Goodnight Tommy and Thank you"

"Goodnight darling"

I mostly done this short as I need ideas for how they confess there love, I think I have a idea but I wanna hear all of yours xxxx

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