"I just saw him naked!"

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Warning: Just mentions about Toms D*ck. (Not sexual way though).

There is 2 weeks of summer left, and of course we all have made sure to do a lot. These past few days we have been doing everything, like going park or having water fights.

Right now we was at Toms house by the pool. Me and Sophia were on his sun beds just chilling on our phones.

"Does anyone need anything?" Nikki asked.

"No thanks!" We all answered.

I was on my phone when I felt water dripping on my body and now the sun was blocked by someone. I look up to see the cute boy.

"Can I help you Tommy?" I pull my sunglasses down.

"Come in the pool, please" he whines.

"I don't want to. I like being here on my phone and chilling" I say.

"If you don't get in i'm gonna throw you in with me" he smirks about his idea.

"AHHHH" I heard Sophia scream. I look past Tom to see her in the pool. Harrison just threw her in.

"Oh no way" I quickly get up, running past Tom.

"Y/N!" Tom playfully shouts after me.

It took him a couple more seconds to actually get me. He then picked me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Nooo stop. Your gonna drop me! I'm so heavy" I try kick him.

"Now your definitely getting thrown in. Your not heavy y/n your really light and i'm strong remember" he walks me over to the pool, holding me like I didn't weigh a thing. "Any last words" He says.

"Fuck you T-" He then jumps in the pool with me. We both went under the water, but came up seconds after.

"You okay?" He asks as I started coughing. I found that very cute about him, he always has this cute and caring side.

"Now you wanna be caring after you threw me in" I splashed him.

"Well I didn't think you was gonna be coughing so much. Sorry I'm so caring."he chuckles moving closer to me.

"I'm okay anyways, it just went up my nose. It's fine your cute when you get soft" I turn around quickly after realising that I just called Tom 'cute' that wasn't meant to come out my mouth.

"Awwww you think Toms cute" Harrison smirks, obviously hearing what I said.

"Shut up Harrison" I swim to the end of the pool and lift myself up from the side.

"erm excuse me your staying in the pool" Tom pulls me back in the water and now his hands where on both sides of my waist.

My arms wrapped around the back of his neck. "And who says that?" I look in his eyes.

"Me. Thomas Stanley Holland. The most cutest, sexiest, hottest man on the planet. And also soon to be an actor" he smirks.

"Not sure about the first part. But the second bit yeah. You kinda are after your movie you done when you was younger, Impossible." I joke.

"What? So you don't think I'm cute, sexy or hot?" he jokes acting as if he's hurt.

"Hmmmm. Nah, your just a little boy-" I chuckled. Of course I lied. I mean Tom is much more. Yeah, he's cute, sexy, hot but he has more to him. He has the perfect smile, body, hair, personality and everything. I can't even explain how attractive he is either!

After I said that Tom dunked me into the water, then lifting me back up. The water had gotten into my mouth as I was talking so I spat it at him....Causing him to pull a face acting like he was shocked.

"Y/N get on Toms shoulder, Lily get on cameron's and Sophia get on mine. The girls have to fight and push each other off our shoulders. We can't do nothing it's all them" Harrison said.

We then played this game in the water. Me and Tom won of course, I mean we are amazing. Lily and Cameron came second, leaving Sophia and Harrison last. They were laughing too much so they got distracted.

The rest of the day we played by the pool and had some food. Sophia, Harrison and me were going to stay at Toms house tonight. Lily and Cameron had others plans so they ended up going home.

About 10 minuets after I showered, I walked into Toms room. I went to one of his draws, where he kept some of my things, like a hairbrush or clothes. I got my hair brush out and walked to the bathroom.

(Toms room has a bathroom connected to it as it's really big, so yeah)

I opened the door still focusing on my brushing my hair. I didn't even notice him at first, until I looked up into the mirror.

He didn't even notice me.

We both looked up at the same time....

"AHHHHHH" I scream.

"OH SHIT!" Tom shouts grabbing his towel.

I just saw Tom naked.

I had no reaction, I was just shocked. I just saw my best friend and crush for so long naked. And I'm not complaining the sight was amazing. I've seen Tom topless before but everything was out on display. I didn't really have anytime to see it properly and it was hard as the mirror was a bit steamy.

"OMG! Fuck. I am so sorry" I shut my eyes.

"I-I thought I locked t-the door" Tom stutters clearly embarrassed. I felt bad to be honest, I mean I would've been embarrassed as fuck.

"I should've knocked it's my fault" I grab my brush and quickly walked out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

I walk down the stairs to where Sophia, Harry and Harrison were sitting.

"Why's you and Tom screaming for?" Harry asked.

"I just saw him naked!" I sat down on the sofa.

"I bet you loved the view" Sophia winked at me, this caused me to throw a pillow at her face.


It has been ages now since that has happened. When Tom came down the stairs it was a bit awkward at first. I knew he was still embarrassed after all. I must've fell asleep downstairs as I woke up in Toms bed at 9am. He was laying next to me staring at me. He didn't know I was awake yet, I just opened my eyes a little and saw him.

"Are you just gonna stare at me?" I say.

"I-I didn't even know you was awake" He stops looking at me.

I open my eyes, stretching my arms. "Are you still embarrassed about last night" I chuckle.

"W-well kinda. My best friend saw me naked, like the full thing"

"Get over it Tommy. Your hot anyways" I move closer to him.

"You think I'm hot?" he smirks, wrapping his arms around me, whilst I lay my head on his chest and put my leg over him.

"Shut up Holland." I blush hiding my face. "You do have a small dick though" I lie.

"Oii! Don't talk about him like that!" He sounded hurt lol.

"I'm joking. I'm joking. It looked Big- average, It's the only dick i've ever seen. I mean like in person a-"

"-let's not talk about my dick. Please. I know you can't get it out of your head-" he smirks.

"Eww. I'm not thinking about it now shhhh" I hide my face still blushing, whilst he chuckles.

"Seriously though. You call your dick a him?"

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