"It's gonna be okay"

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Warning: Mentions of rape and sexual stuff. (BUT IT DIDN'T ACTUALLY HAPPEN!). Mentions of abuse and violence. (this did happen ofc).

"Y/N would you like to tell me what you wrote?" my english teacher snapped me out of my daze.

"what? I-I mean pardon sorry?" I pick my head up from the desk.

I was exhausted last night I got no sleep. Jake had another nightmare again, which meant that I stayed up making sure he was okay. Ever since the incident he just keeps having these nightmares of everything. It's not like he's upset about me stabbing John it's the fact that he saw everything and at that age your too young to see that, no one should have to see someone bleed out! Jake keeps having dreams about Ethan hurting me or Kirsty or even him, and it breaks my heart hearing his little sobs and sniffles. The kid is only 8 years old, 8 YEARS OLD! And he's been through so much, I know i've been through it all too but he's starting to understand and he needs someone to support him through it all.

That someone has to be me.

Well and Kirsty too now as she's back into our life's again. Today has dragged so long and I'm only staying till 1pm. So that's like half day so it should go quick, right? I've only had about 2 hours sleep and I still need to go to the police station later because of the incident.

"I said can you read what you wrote last lesson for everyone to here" She says. Then decides to add "Since you think you can fall asleep here"

"oh-erm yeah" I flip the page, squeezing my eyes shut quick so I can read. "In both poems-" I say a bit quiet as i'm tired.

"Speak up" my english teacher said.

(Btw I just found this paragraph I wrote in my book for some question about these two poems. Just pretend your reading out what you wrote and you know what it's about. Also if you don't understand the vocabulary then don't worry it's just techniques you will learn for your GSCE's😉)

"I-In both poems, structure is used to show the personal impact of conflict..In poppies, Weir writes, 'All my words, flattened, rolled, turned into felt,/ slowly melting....This e-enjambment shows how the mother's thoughts are broken, the reader is forced to pause or stumble into the n-next stanza. This suggests her confusion and that way her mind has been disturbed by the death of h-her son....." After reading more of the paragraph I wrote yesterday, the teacher thanked me and complimented of how good it was.

;) hehehehe.

"Well done y/n. You got the brains, the face and the body" one of Riley's friends smirked.

"Well it's a shame you have none of them with that thick brain of yours" I roll my eyes.

"You talk like an idiot" He scoffs.

"Of course, I talk like an idiot. How else could you understand me?" I smirk which made him stay silent.

As soon as the time hit 1pm, I told my teacher I had to leave for a doctors appointment. Packing up my stuff, I walked out the room to go to Toms class. He was only down the corridor so I didn't walk far.

Knocking on the door I heard his teacher say 'come in', so I did.

"Sorry to disturb you but Tom needs to leave" I smile not daring to look at everyone who was watching me.

"Tom who?" he asked.

"Holland. Tom holland" I smile, turning to see Tom packing up his stuff.

"Have you got a note?" The male teacher questioned.

"N-no I don't. However the office said they will email you" I lied with a half-smile. "Hurry up" I mouthed to Tom as he was taking his sweet time talking to some of his friends which I hardly even knew.

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