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Finally the day has come, everyone in high school has been waiting for this day and now it's here. It's a once in a life time opportunity.
Now i'm at home getting ready, My makeup and hair is done, my dress looks amazing too.

As a kid i've always dreamt of this day, having an amazing boyfriend by my side and amazing friends to go with. And I never actually thought that would happen. I have the most hottest boyfriend and the best friend anyone could want.

The dress was light blue with a slit in the side, my hair was curled and I made sure my makeup looked good

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The dress was light blue with a slit in the side, my hair was curled and I made sure my makeup looked good. Me, Sophia and Lily all decided to come with the same theme as blue and that's what we all will be wearing. I snapped a few pictures before going downstairs to where Kirsty, Finn, Liam and Jake were.

"You look beautiful y/n" Jake and Finn said making me smile wide.

"Yeah you look incredible. My little sister is getting so big now" Kirsty cried hugging me with happiness.

"Thank you guys so much" I hug them all, grabbing my bag from the side. Them all saying a 'have fun' before I left going to Toms house. Once I got to Toms house everyone was downstairs most likely waiting for Tom.

"Oh my y/n you look beautiful!" Nikki squealed hugging me tight as the other boys came to greet me with a hug and saying how I look nice.

"Thank you guys so much honestly-" That's when I heard someone coming down the stairs. Tom walked down in a navy blue suit, his hair slicked to the side a little. "Tommy, wow. You look handsome" I smile walking over to him.

Tom stared at me, looking at my outfit in amazement. "Darling you-you look beautiful, wow this dress as well" He smiles pulling me in for a hug, placing a kiss in my hair.

"You guys look so cute let me take a photo!!" Nikki grabbed her camera making us look into it standing for the photo. She then got her car keys us all saying bye to the others, going into Nikki's car so she could drop us off.

"I'll send you the photos later, have fun!" She called as we both got out of the car.

"Y/N you really do look beautiful, Baby you look hot" Tom linked arms with me as we walked into the hall where the prom was. "Thanks Tommy, you really do look handsome and hot" I giggle looking around at the party that we had now entered.

"Ahhhh y/n Tom!" We heard from behind us, it was our friends. "Omg hey everyone you guys look amazing!" I told them all, all of us matching in our blue colours.

"Loving the suit Tom and the dress y/n" Lily said.

"Thank you Lily and everyone. Come let's all get photos" I tell them pulling them over to where the photos were being taken.

(These were some of the pictures, just imagine your all matching with shades of blues and stuff. And imagine Tom and Harrison are there too and it's night time)   

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