Promise ring

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Honestly I had the best sleep last night, being home and now leaving school may feel like a scary thing but I need to do this. We all need to become independent and learn to live in the new world. It's a new step in life.

"Morning princess" Tom yawns beside me kissing my bare shoulder. Okay well it was also a good night due to the events that did happen after everyone went to sleep.

"Morning Spidey" I giggle making Tom groan.

"Are you gonna keep saying that now?" He whines like a kid. Oh I didn't tell you? Last night after Prom had ended when I finished my speech Tom got a call. It was from his agent.

Tom found out that he got the role for the new upcoming part of playing spider man, just like he applied for. I'm really proud of him.

"Yes I'm gonna keep saying it! I'm really proud of you though-" my sentence got cut off by the door opening, Tom pulling the covers up covering my chest.

Harrison and Sophia came in with wide eyes, "Oh shit-Sorry didn't mean to interrupt you" They go to walk out.

"No, We ain't doing nothing" I try to explain, Harrison and Sophia just smirk walking out.

"Well I need to get changed, gotta clean everything up before mum gets back with her new boyfriend Steve." I roll my eyes getting out of the bed, slipping Toms shirt over me and my panties, then putting on some shorts.

"She's still with Steve? I can't lie your mum has bad taste in guys" Tom chuckles, putting his clothes on himself.

I laugh thinking about all the men my mum has brought back recently, "She does, should've seen the last guy. His name was Wayne I think? Anyways he literally smelt so bad, he looked like a tramp. That guy was a bit loud that night, had to wash my ears out" I put my hair into a high messy ponytail.

"Remember you can always come to mine..If you don't wanna hear that" He says smiling. "Thanks Tommy" I kiss his cheek walking out my room, going downstairs where everyone was sitting on the sofa.

"Morning love birds, had a good night?" Cameron teases to me and Tom.

"Morning...yeah was so tired went sleep straight away" Tom lies rubbing the back of his neck, his cheeks going a bit red.

"Uh Tommy, Fuck. Did your night go something like that?" Harrison fake moans, clearly hearing us both last night. "Shut up Haz" I flick his head picking up the empty bottles.

"y/n you better cover your neck if your mum is coming back soon" Sophia mutters helping me clean the mess we had made with the drinks. "Shit thanks"

Once we had cleaned all the cups, glasses and plates, everyone had left having plans for the day. Well Tom stayed a little longer until his mum wanted him back.

"Soo I was hoping today If your not busy that we can go somewhere. Like a little date or something" He nervously says.

"Yeah sure, where do you have in mind?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Maybe we can go get something to eat and then we can go to that big hill where we used to always watch the sun rise or set" He smiles wanting to do something special for you both.

"Sounds amazing, just message me what time to be there at"

He then stands up placing a kiss on my head, "Just wear something casual it will be late so I don't want you getting cold. Bye love you" He smiled before walking out the door going back to his house.

——————Skip time——————

Tom said to meet outside the restaurant at 6 o'clock, so I started to get ready at 4:30. I showered first before blow drying my hair, I didn't style it as he said to dress causal.

It felt nice having my hair all natural for once in forever. All I applied was light makeup, slipping on my outfit which was black cargos and a white hoodie.

The restaurant wasn't far away, it wasn't that fancy not like I minded. Today was a chilly night, the breeze making me get the shivers. As I arrived Tom was outside waiting for me, looking adorable as ever.

He pulled me in for a big hug, pecking my lips. "Hey pretty girl" He whispered in my ear making butterflies fill in my stomach.

I blush whilst looking into his eyes, "Hey you look cute" I tell him, now his turn to blush.

"Not as cute as you my princess. Now let's go eat" He pulls his arm out so I can link it with his, us both walking into the place.

We found a small booth in the corner of the restaurant, the waiter giving us a menu to look at. "Just call me over when you have decided" She said whilst smiling. Me and Tom both thanked her looking down at the drink and food menu.

We then both decided on what we would like to eat and drink, calling the waiter over to order. She walked over with her pad and pen in her hand getting ready to write as Tom told her we are ready to order.

"So what would you like?"


The food at the restaurant was lovely, Me and Tom had a fun time making small conversation about random things.

We mostly talked about the colleges we had applied for, Tom choosing one that has to do with his acting career and I applied for one that did y/d/c. (Your dream career.)

The colleges weren't that far apart, to be honest they were near by so we could still come back home everyday.

It will be weird not being in the same school but in the end it will all work out. I'm really excited to try achieve my d/c and I hope Tom will succeed as an actor.

Now me and Tom are sitting on top of the hill, watching the sun set. This hill had the best view of the place you could see the buildings, hear the cars and of course watch the sun rise or set.

"So I brought you h-here for a certain reason" Tom admits turning to me, breaking the comfortable silence. I respond with a nod and a small "okay", waiting for him to continue.

He takes a deep breath before speaking again, "O-Okay, sorry I'm just really nervous and okay-here I go." He crosses his legs looking at me into my eyes as I do the same facing him now. He then went into his pocket taking out a black box making my eyes look at him in confusion.

"It's not what you think it is-just not yet." He chuckles nervously, opening the small black box that had a beautiful ring inside. I gasp just by how pretty and how nice this gesture is.

"I love you y/n, I love you so fucking much. Honestly whenever I'm with you I smile, I feel so happy when I'm with you. No matter where we are or what we're doing i'm always happy when your here. Even during bad times your smile makes my day. Your so beautiful, kind, pretty, incredibly hot and so strong. I don't know how you do it but you have been through so much and your still hanging on in there." A tear slips from my eyes as he continues saying sweet things.

"I remember as kids when we first held hands, we were so young but we thought we were doing something so bad. My mum still has the video of me kissing your cheek and us giggling like cute idiots. Your so fucking amazing, baby." He my right hand sliding the ring on my finger, smiling as it fits.

"This is a promise ring, I promise to always be here for you and I promise to love you with everything I got. I promise that I will never let you down and I will always be here for you. I love you y/n y/m/n y/l/n" He says a tear now falling from his.

"I love you Thomas Stanley Holland" I cry pulling him in for a passionate kiss then in for a hug. "Thank you so much I love it" I look at the ring, hugging him tight.

We then watched the sun set, holding each other close with smiles on our faces. I could never imagine a life better with the boy I love most.

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