your mine <3

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Guys I need ideas of what they can do on this holiday for a week, for the other days. Sorry this isn't good. I needed to add drama with Riley so I did.

Day 2

Not a lot happened after we went on the 'crazy sofa' yesterday, we just stayed by the beach all day, looked around the place and then went out to eat. In the morning we all chilled by the pool, right outside the beach house, then went around to the shops to get some gifts and other things.

Now we are all currently walking through the beach at 9pm, Im wearing this:

"Guys there's a party on the beach right here" Harrison pointed over to where there was a crowd of teenagers our age, with music playing, fire for light and drinks

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"Guys there's a party on the beach right here" Harrison pointed over to where there was a crowd of teenagers our age, with music playing, fire for light and drinks.

We all went over to where the party was, getting some drinks straight away. I had noticed some people from our school but luckily there wasn't any people I hated——actually that's a lie.

In the corner of my eye, I could see Riley and all his friends. "Fuck, Riley of course has to be here! Why are some boys from our school here! And Meghan, Jessica and her minions are here" I groan looking over at them.

"Ignore them. Honestly don't let them ruin your mood-"

"Y/nnnn!" Someone called from behind me, Turning around it was Ellis, phew i'm so lucky.

"I'll be back—Ellis heyyy how are you?" I ask walking over to him.

"I'm good, thanks how r u? I heard you and Tom are a thing now am I right?" He rubbed his shoulder against mine in a teasing way.
"Yeah we are, I'm really in love with him." I smile.

"Listen don't turn around but Jack is coming over and Riley. Your friends are chugging that alcohol so just walk besides me until we get to them" Ellis warns pulling me to the side where Riley couldn't be close to me.

"My boy Ellis, y/n my girl" Riley drunkly walks over punching Ellis' shoulder and trying to come over to me but Ellis doesn't let him. "What are you going Ellis, move I wanna say Hi to my girl" He slurs.

"She has a boyfriend Riley, you know that" Ellis spits back at him.

"Oh yeah, Tommy boy. He's been there for you thorough everything right? Like your Mum and your dad, well I mean step-dad Ethan, who beat you black and blue. I'm definitely right on that one though" Jack smirked.

Wait what, how do they know?

My eyes widen, "Shut up Jack" Ellis warned them both, pushing me a bit back away from them.

"That's Right Jack. Ellis no need to protect her, you don't know y/n like I do. I don't know how your new boyfriend could even deal with you. I mean you have a mother who doesn't give two shits about you and you have no father figure. Ethan was Jakes dad who also beat him too didn't he? How is that little prick anyways?—" Riley snickered but got cut off as I punched him in the face, he fell to the floor straight away.

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