Happy birthday

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Didn't know what else to do for the days so i'm kinda skipping to day 6 the last night.

This vacation has been full of joy, happiness's and freedom. Sadly it's the last night of our little holiday, but i'm so excited for tomorrow as it's Toms birthday.

Throughout the whole week we've been spending so much time together, we have been partying, playing by the pool or the beach, we have done many activities. All of us have had the time of our life's, we needed this break away from everything, our problems and our life's back at home.

Tonight as the last night here we had got up early to get some nice breakfast, then we went out doing crazy things like paint ball, surfing on the sea etc. Now it's around 8 p.m and we are all playing in the arcades before going bowling.

"HAHA! I WONNNN" Harrison screamed as he beat me in a game of 'air hockey', he won by 2 points.

"What! Wow just by two points....congrats well done, good game Haz" I clap me hands. "Don't be a sore loser y/n/n." Harrison smirked.

"I'm not a sore loser shut up! Let's go play a game of bowling now, I bet imma win" I smirk back walking over to our lane, 14.

The order was Harrison, Cameron, Sophia, Lily, Tom then me. I don't know why I was last but oh well. Normally with bowling i'm not that good and I have the bumpers up on the sides, however everyone decided for it to be fair to have no bumpers on.

After four goes each, Tom had got a strike on this go and did a little victory dance rubbing it in all our faces. "YESSSS I GOT A STRIKE!" He yelled jumping around.

"Alright my go, don't get too happy" I chuckle grabbing a bowling ball, once the pins were all lined up I took a big swing throwing the ball with a powerful shot. "Nah it's not gonna-oh wait"

The ball went fast and curved a little into the middle, hitting the pins knocking them all down. "YESSSS!" I scream, Tom picking me up by my waist spinning me around.

"WE GOT A STRIKE" We both celebrated with a big kiss, laughing at our friends pouting faces. The game ended with Tom coming first, me second, Harrison third, Cameron fourth, Sophia fifth and Lily sixth, last place.

After playing bowling me, Sophia and Lily all went to the shops to get drinks, of course they gave us alcohol not even caring of our age, I mean we did kinda look 18 or over due to looking all glamorous for our last night. We managed to get the boys all beers each and us girls got some other small drinks.

We thanked the person at the till before leaving to find the boys outside to walk along the beach. It was a bit darker now, the time nearly hitting early hours of the morning. "Guys it's about to be time" Lily told us all as we stood in a circle on the beach.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6..." We all started to count down together.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" All of us screamed at Tom, now it was June the 1st Tommys birthday. Passing the drinks around we all hit our bottles together before taking a sip.

"Happy birthday, Tommy!" I wrapped my arms around his neck with my drink in my hand, his one arm finding my waist whilst the other holds his beer. We both swayed side to side as we leaned in to share a sweet kiss, my free hand moving to his hair pulling on a few strands. Everyone started cheering for us, so we pulled away laughing breathlessly, our foreheads touching.

"Thanks baby, I love you" He places another small kiss on my lips. "I love you more birthday boy" I whisper close to hai face.

"Now let's celebrate a little your seventeen now!!" Screaming we all pulled in for a group hug.

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