Mini Vacation

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"Im so sorry y/n, I was angry and I didn't mean it. Your not a bitch, Im sorry" Harry cried as he hugged me.

"It's okay silly, don't worry" I hugged him back kissing his hair.

That was 2 weeks ago now, Today I had invite everyone over to my house for a quick meet up talk. I've had a plan in my head for 2 whole weeks now and finally I could tell them and hopefully they will all agree to come.

Tom was first to come of course, he brought some drinks along with him, some were alcohol like beers but some were coke, Fanta etc. Then eventually everyone else had come bringing certain things to chill out, Harrison also brought some pizza and chips.

"So what was this small meeting you wanted to host y/n?" Sophia asked taking a big bite out of her pizza, sitting next to Harrison on the floor.

"Well, I've had an idea now for a little while. It's all planned out in my head and everything...." I say whilst playing with the necklace on my neck that Tom had gave me last week as a present.

"Get to the point" Harrison chuckled.

"Let's go on a mini vacation" I blurt out happily. "There's this place about 4 hours from here, it's like a beach house, i've got confirmation from Ellie's parents that we can stay there as there not using it until a month or two. We have basically finished school, it's summer again! We need to live the best of this before we go all boring and get jobs" I say.

"Who said we're gonna get all boring. We're still gonna be friends and we can party at night clubs when we turn 18 and we will do so much more!" Lily said.

"Well you know what I mean. I really wanna go with all of you lot, I need time away from here for a good week. Harrison just turned 17 about 2 weeks ago so he can drive us as he's the only one who knows how to drive" I said.

"I think it's a good idea! This is gonna be great" Tom cheered and so did everyone else.

"When do you wanna go?" asked Cameron.

"How about next week?" They all nod there head, then started talking about what we were going to do and everything like that.

————-skip 1 week———-

One week has finally passed, It's the day that we all go on vacation. I made sure that everything was packed before leaving, we were coming back late on Toms birthday so I made sure to pack his present in my suitcase as well.

(When you go to leave it will be Toms birthday but you will leave in the afternoon to get back for a party at his house)

I was wearing a pair of beige cargos and a white crop top to go with it and my white Jordan's. I wore the necklace Tom gave me 3weeks ago, well I haven't taken it off ever since he gave it. Some bracelets and a ring that Nikki gave me for a birthday present.

"Mum i'm leaving now, Jake is staying at Kirsty's house. I'll see you in a week" I said whilst standing at her closed bedroom door.

She didn't reply back to me so I knocked lightly, maybe she was asleep? Slowly opening the door, I see a man on top of her, the covers were slightly over them but I knew what was happening. As soon as they heard the door open the man got off my mum, hiding there bodies.

"oh shit!- erm sorry" I stutter covering my eyes.

"what-oh y/n." My mum said looking over to me. "uhhhh...Steve this is y/n-my-my sister" My mum lied.

Why does it hurt so much?

Why am I just not enough?

"Hi y/n i'm Steve" He smiled and I just fake smile back.

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