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Warning: Semi smut at first but i'll tell you when it is and when it ends, blowjob:)

Sorry I took longer to post than I normally do I had sun stroke from Londons high ass temperature, like wow 40 degrees!

"y-yeah it was alright. I'm sorry by the way. I'll give you something else to wear-" He was about to get up but I pushed him back down, straddling him 

"Shhhhh pretty boy"

I know what your thinking, what are you doing! Well overnight I did some thinking, I need to be more confident. I know I have lack of experience of these things but he just had a wet dream about me and I wanna make him feel good.

"w-what are you doing?" He asked his hands going to my waist holding me.

"To be honest I have no clue, But I just wanna try something" I smile my hands tracing shapes on his chest.

"Baby, you don't have to do anything" He reasons.

"But I want to, unless you don't want me to-"

"no, no. Of course I want you to, it's just I don't want you to do something you really don't feel comfortable doing" He rubbed my sides.

"I feel comfortable with you. I wanna make you feel good after that naughty dream. Please just tell me to stop at anytime" He then nods.

Smut starts.....

Taking a deep breath I lean in closing the gap between us, this kiss however was more hard and passionate. It was much hungrier, than others we have shared. Tom moaned into the kiss, which made me slide my tongue into his mouth. Our tongues battled for dominance, eventually I let Tom take the win.

"mmmh, darling" He moaned quietly. "My parents will hear us won't they?" He pulled away from the kiss.

"Unless your not loud" I say, then go back for the kiss. Eventually we both started to grind on each other, then I felt something hard underneath me.

I smirked, slowly palming him through his boxers, which made him moan. Tom squeezed my ass at the same time, which also made me moan out loud.

My hands went up a bit, touching the waist band of his boxers. I look up quickly seeing him breathing heavily. "Can I?" I asked.

"yes, please-fuck" He moaned quietly as I pulled his boxers down, his member springing out.


He was big, like really big. I'm not even joking the size of him, he was hiding that all the time l. For a sixteen year old boy, his dick was big.

"Like what you see?" He had a smirk plastered on his face, whilst watching me stare at his member that was on his stomach.

"Woah, I-I erm. I didn't know you was t-that big" I chuckle my confidence fading.

changing to 2nd person as it's easier

"Don't go all shy on me now baby, If you wanna-oh fuck, uhh" He got cut off by you stroking his member, pre cum leaking from his tip.

He whined at the feeling of your warm hands around his shaft, when you spit into the palm of your hand and start to pump his dick. You gathered up all the precum and used your saliva as a lube, twisting your hand around his member.

Slowly you increase your speed, "Fuck yeah, just like that" He moaned losing his mind, as your hand was bringing him to his orgasm.

"y/n" He bit back a moan.

You finally stopped your actions, looking up at him innocently. "What do you need tommy?" you asked.

"Your mouth-please can I have your mouth?" He whined making you smirk.

You didn't know what you was doing so you just went for it, wrapping your mouth against his cock. You moaned around his shaft once you felt him bring your hair into a little ponytail and slowly pulling you down onto his dick.

He was really big so you tried to take all of him. You gag around him, tears springing up in your eyes and running down your cheeks.

"Fuck baby,  feels so good" He tried not to moan out too loud, praising you.  As you took him fully into his mouth he moaned again and thrusted a little into your mouth. "Shit, love...i'm gonna cum".

In seconds he's thrusting up into your mouth, basically throat fucking you, you tried not to gag. He instantly looses it and cums right into your mouth. The hot liquid shooting at the back of your throat.

"Fuck, fuck" He sighs, coming down from his high and pulling out of your mouth, opening his eyes to look at you. You've swallowed all his cum right then, your cheeks stained with tears.

Smut ends....

"omg, y/n/n are you okay? Im so sorry, did I go to far" He panicked cupping my face and I nod, lost for words. "Baby, you need to use your words" He says.

"I'm fine Tommy, it was really good." You smile, wiping your mouth then laying next to him.

"You want me to help you?" He asked, pulling up his boxers.

"No it's okay. Maybe another time, i'm still tired" you smile moving closer to him.

"That was fucking amazing y/n, you sure you haven't done it before?" He wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer and placing a kiss on your head.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, was gonna be embarrassed if you didn't like it" you giggled.

"I love you" He kisses you slowly.

"I love you more tommy" You smile, falling back into a nice sleep.

It's short ik but i have no time at all!!!

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