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This isn't that long but it's cute asf so yeah. I did get one idea of someone, but I'm sorry I forgot who but whoever it was thanks so much love the idea!!

Kirsty's POV

I got woken up by the sound of my boyfriend, Finn, shaking me vigorously. At first I tried to ignore him calling my name, but then after it sounded important.

"Whatttttttt" I groan into my pillow.

"Come downstairs quickly. I wanna show you something so cute, babe" He said excitedly.

Walking down the stairs, he pointed to the sofa bed where Tom and y/n were


They looked really cute so I of course had to take a quick picture:

To be honest y/n and Tom looked cute together and acted more than just best friends

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To be honest y/n and Tom looked cute together and acted more than just best friends. Maybe they were too blind to see it but I know that they both like each other, the way they look at one another shows it. Tom would do anything for y/n as shown yesterday, and so would y/n do the same to him.

"There adorable, reminds me of us when we were best friends" I peck his lips smiling walking into the kitchen to make us all some breakfast.


Last night I hardly got any sleep, I still keep having flashbacks to last night's events. Me stabbing John kept replaying in my head, his blood spilling out of his stomach as he leaned against the van. I, Y/N Wilson had stabbed someone.

"Y/n?" I heard someone say which made my eyes open from my sleep. My head was on Tom's chest with our legs intertwined and his arm was hanging around my waist. Looking up at him he had some worried expression on his face, "You okay?...I-I felt you shaking and you sounded like you were about to cry" he moved a strand of hair that was in my face behind my ear.

"Y-yeah. Just can't stop thinking about what happened last night" I sigh.

"You're okay now though. So stop that pretty, smart head from worrying" He smiles.

"Awwww why do you have to be so kind?" You blush looking at his cute face.

Damn he was one handsome cute boy with the most perfect smile.

"I'm just that kind of guy, pretty girl" He smirked. This made my heart do so many flips, I had butterflies in my stomach. Tom didn't even realise what he does to me by the simplest of things. And him calling me 'pretty girl' AHHHHH I just wanna scream in happiness.

"You guys are cuties!" We heard a voice in front of us, so we both looked to see Kirsty standing there placing two cups of tea on the table. Then picking up something that's fluffy?

"What is-omg you have a kitten!" I got up from Tom's chest so I was now sitting next to him with my arms out waiting for Kirsty to pass the small black and white kitten.

"Yep her name is Layla, she's about 4 months old" she places Layla in my arms then walks back into the kitchen.

"Aww Tommy look how cute and small she is" I say stroking the kitten then letting her walk over to Tom.

"Not as cute as you" He smirks, stroking her. This made me blush straight away and he seemed to notice as he started teasing me by saying, "Is y/n blushing?" He puts the kitten on the floor.

I then hid my embarrassment by going under the covers, hiding my face that was blushing very very red. "It's okay to blush because of me darling. I mean who wouldn't- Ahhh '' He groaned, grabbing his crotch.

"Shit sorry I was meant to hit your leg not your dick" I pop my head a little up from under the covers.

"You're lucky I love you" He still had his hands in the same area.

"I would rub it better but you know" I smirked.

"You can If you want" He smirks moving his hands.

"Don't make me hit you again" I gave him a look, which he held his hands in surrender.

"What the fuck" We heard Finn shout behind us. I quickly get up from under the covers and see him holding his hands over both Liams and Jake's faces. "I know you both are sleeping in the same bed but fuck me I didnt expect to see my girlfreinds sister giving head to her bestfriend on my sofa" he scoffed.

"What no, ewww" Tom said.

"Yeah, ewww. It isn't what it looks like, okay it looks like that but it's not '' I say rather disgusted lifting up the covers. "See he has joggers on underneath"

"What's head?" Jake asked, making all our eyes widen.

"I-it means-Its erm it's a game" Tom stuttered.

"Oooo can I play?" He asked.

"Maybe later" I chuckled awkwardly and luckily Kirsty saved us by shouting, "Breakfast is ready".

Later that day Tom went back home and I had to stay another night at my sister because In the morning we had to go back to the police station. Hopefully everything will be okay and we will then find out what will happen to John and if they have found Ethan yet:)

This is shit i know, it's only because I rushed this as I needed to post for you all. And i'm very busy this weekend and I'm only free on Monday as Today,sat and Sunday i'm soo busy so yeah :)

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