School Fight

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Warning: Swearing, Sexual assault and Shouting.


Its a place that makes my life more of a living hell. School can be really stressful sometimes, especially If your school hates your guts. 

I am in science right now, which is the worst lesson ever. Sophia, Harrison and Tom are in my class luckily. I mean that's the only good thing about science. You see what I hate about science is the teacher, Mr Rae, he is a bit of a creep. Okay that's a lie. He's a very big creep! And to top it off, no matter how many times anyone had complained to the head of year about him, they never believed anyone.

And another bad thing is that Jack and Ryan are in our class. Jack being sat next to me and Ryan across from me. (They are Rileys best friends).

"Y/n your outfit really brings out that ass" Jack smirks.

"Shut the fuck up. I'm just in my PE kit. Leggings, a tshirt and a hoodie over it." I scoff while sitting down.

"You should wear these all the time" he grabs your thigh.

"Jack shut the fuck up! Leave y/n alone" Sophia raises her voice from across him.

I then slap his hand away from me, moving my chair away from him.

"y/n can you grab the test tube rack from behind you on the bench" Mr Rae asks me, I nod.

I stand up to get the test tube rack from behind me. I then feel Jacks hand squeeze my ass, no one seemed to notice and me being stupid didn't want to start anything in front of everyone.

"Thanks y/n" Mr Rae takes the test tube rack out of my hands and clearly touching my hand more than he should on purpose.

He then carries on talking to the class as I sit back down. Jack started moving closer to me, putting his hand on my thigh once's again and moving his hand slowly up higher. Sophia then looked at me as she saw my uncomfortable expression.

She was about to say something until Mr Rae said "Everything is set up on your tables, you will work in your group table pairs....Now start the practical"

Everyone then began talking, whilst doing the practical. Sophia mouthed to me Are you okay?' and I just nodded, mouthing back 'Yeah i'm fine'.

About 5 minutes later, I was standing up while pouring some acid into a test tube. Then I looked to my right and saw Jack smirking. I didn't think anything of it at first, but then I felt his finger gently brush against my lady area. This caused me to jump back and push him, which made him fall over as he tripped over his stool.

I should've done that in the first place, I know. Today just wasn't a great day, I was in such a bad mood because of my period and now him. And he did touch me there when Im on my period, so I had to quickly push him away.

"What the fuck y/n! Ouch" he over exaggerated, acting like he did nothing.

"Y/N!" Mr Rae shouts, great now everyone was looking at me.

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I yelled at Jack, who now was standing up next to me.

"Y/N NO SWEARING IN MY CLASSROOM! THATS A DETENTION" Mr Rae shouted walking over to me.


"You just pushed Jack over-"

"He literally has been touching me without my consent. And you always see this and don't do shit!" I raise my voice.

"Don't be making such things up y/n" Jack innocently says. Mr Rae just stood there still believing his lies, and I just had enough.

"Fuck this." I grab my bag.

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