A/N: I need help

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A/N: Guys I need help, so basically after this story i'm going to do a Tom mob boss one. Where the reader has just turned nineteen and she has to go into a arrange marriage with Tom who is 22.

Of course they both don't want to do it, y/n didn't even know about it. However the Holland's being the most powerful mob leaders in London they have to say yes. There will be drama obviously....

(just love writing tragic things idk why)

There will / may be mentions of Rape, sexual assault, guns, violence, blood, swearing, crying, injury's and more. Warnings will be at the top as always.

Definitely there will be good things too like falling in love in the end. It's not all just sad and bad things they will be happy as well together.

So basically I need help with a name, i'm not sure what to call it yet. And I don't want to copy any other arrange marriage mob names of books. Also If you have any ideas please let me know and i'll 100% try to use them when I make the book.

Don't worry this story hasn't ended yet, just a few more parts before the new book. My first ever mob book which will be fun to write about. Just let me know some names that I could call it, either message me or write on here :) Thank you have a lovely day!! <3

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