I fucking hate Riley Bennett!

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Summer was over. School came by very fast clearly. Today all I was thinking about was talking to Riley, I needed to find Kirsty and the only way to talk to her was through him.

I had a plan already. Obviously I didn't tell the others as they would react bad. They would hate me being seen with Riley, after all he was my ex boyfriend who did hit me. I just couldn't tell them until I finally spoke to Kirsty, then I wouldn't need to speak to Riley or play him.

Okay so my idea is that I'm gonna act like I wanna try fix things between me and Riley. However, I'm just trying to find Kirsty so I can speak to her after 6 years of not seeing her. I'm sure the others will understand after I tell them.

"Hey Tom you ready for the first day back to school?" I hold onto my bag.

"Yep. Hopefully this last year will be good!" Tom says excited.

We both walked into school, meeting the others there. When the bell went off, we all walked to our classes. First period went by quickly, I had maths, which wasn't too bad. Second period was science, this was my chance to talk to Riley.

I was walking around the halls when I saw him all alone. I quickly walked up to him, taking a deep breath before faking it all.

"H-hi Riley" I smile.

"Hi sexy" He smirks thinking I would get annoyed.

"Do you maybe wanna hang out after school and talk things through. We left on a bad note and I miss you" I lied.

"Sure, let's walk to science" He says and I smile. He walked us the long way to science still talking about random things, I kept getting looks as we walked around but I ignored everyone. I hated Riley so much, it could've been anyone else who had contact with Kirsty anyone but him!

"Y/N and Riley! Your late!" The science teacher shouted. Me and Riley just walked to our seats. Sophia, Harrison and Tom all gave me a look to say 'wtf are you doing with him'.

"y/n what the fuck were you doing with him" Sophia asked me when the teacher stopped talking.

I was about to say something when Riley said "She wanted to talk to me. She wants to talk over everything, Sophia she misses me. And before you know it we will be together again" Riley smirks at me.

"Seriously what the fuck after everything" Sophia scoffs then walks to Tom and Harrison's table.

She must've told them as they both looked at me at the same time. This is why I can't tell them the truth, they would react even more worse. They would probably tell me to just find another way, however this was the best way to do it without causing any harm.

The whole lesson I kept getting looks of Tom, he looked a bit mad? I'm sure he would understand when I tell him though. Right?

After Science it was break, I waited outside for the others to come out. When they did they walked straight pass me.

As soon as we got outside I walked in front of them "Why did you walk pass me?" I chuckled.

"Why are you being stupid?" Harrison harshly said.

"I-I'm not." I fake laugh.

"Y/N why are you giving that dickhead another chance. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Tom sat down on the bench.

"Calm down guys. There's a reason okay" I say sitting down. "What's the reason then" they all asks.

"I-I erm. I just wanna bless the drama" I lied. I couldn't say the truth, they would go mad and try stop me, I just couldn't.

Lily and Cameron arrived at the table, Tom telling them straight away. They then started going off at me, they wouldn't shut up. I just sat there listening to them all moaning about it.

"Can you just shut up now" I slammed my hands on the table, my voice sounded more harshly rude then I wanted it to. Before they could say anything I just stood up, walking away. Even If I wanted to tell them the truth, they wouldn't stop going on. I had no time to even try make up my lie.


It was the next day now. Yesterday I went to Rileys house and somehow I may be his 'girlfriend' again. Luckily today he invited me over and he said his cousin may be there with his girlfriend. I really hope he will be there as it will be Kirsty!

Tom hasn't been replying to my texts either, he didn't even meet me before school. Everyone from our group was ignoring me, I had no clue why.

I walked into school, I saw all of them standing by there lockers. Well it was just Sophia and Lily.
"Hey guys" I smile walking to them. They just looked at me, turned around and walked away.

What the fuck did I do?

I thought to myself. I was so confused at this point. We had PE as well and they were in my class. Well everyone was Tom, Harrison, Sophia, Lily and Cameron. Hopefully the boys would speak to me at least. Well that's what I thought.

I walk into the PE class they were all sitting on the mats. "Hey. Do you know why Lily and Sophia are ignoring me?" I chuckle at the boys thinking it was all a joke.

However none of them replied or looked at me.

"Haha very funny. Everyone ignore y/n. Jokes over" I say but they don't reply. "What the fuck have I done" I ask worried.

"oh hey y/n. You no longer need them right?" Ryan walked up to me.

"Huh? What are you talking about" I look at him.

"Remember you was bitching about them to Riley. Saying how you hate them and don't need them" He smirks.

"W-what? I never said that!"


"Yeah sure you didn't" I heard Tom mutter.

"I-I swear I didn't. Whatever Riley said isn't true"

Sophia then walked up to me, "You we're chatting so much shit about us y/n. Saying how were fake friends and always asking for attention. Saying you didn't need us as we never are there. That's fucking lies Y/N! YOUR JUST A STUPID LITTLE BITCH!" she then slapped me right across the face. I immediately place my hand on my face, letting a tear roll down my cheek.

"Guys I-I swear whatever he said wasn't true" I shake my head. Tom then stands up, walking out the sports hall.

Walking after him I shouted "TOM! PLEASE WAIT" I cry.

"What! What do you want y/n! How could you say such things. I've been here for you the most. I am always there when you need a shoulder to cry on, Im always there when shit happens at home!" He shouts.

"Riley is lying. I would never say such things" I pleaded.

"Your just like him. Your a waste of space! I can't believe we fucking trusted you y/n-"

"Tom" I try grab his arm but he moves away.

"Fuck off y/n"

"Please wait"

"FUCK OFF Y/N" I've never heard Tom shout so loud, it made me even flinch a little. He saw me flinch a bit, so he just walked away.

I should've known Riley would've done this. He just wanted revenge on me and now he's fucked up the best thing that's going. My best friends are the most important people to me and always will be. Especially Tom.

Riley is a dickhead, he spreads lies and they believed him. I should've told them in the first place. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!

I just walked out of the school and ran home. That's it, Today I had to fight to see Kirsty. Whatever I had to do, I would. Later I'll have to go to Rileys when his cousin is there and hopefully he will be with Kirsty.

I fucking hate Riley Bennett!

Lmao I just got two injections in my right arm for some kind of diseases. They didn't even let me choose what arm! They did it on the arm that I write with great. It took me long to write this as my arm hurts lol ://////

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