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This is the part we have all been waiting for! They confess that they love each other :)

A/N: Quick message for you all. On my Tiktok account @y/nandpeterparker I posted a video asking if I should make edits on the account for now until I post again on it. Please comment if you would like edits as I'm practicing:)

"Y/N?! Y/N!" Someone shouted and I finally saw some light. My eyes slowly started to open, and I finally was awake. I was still in the same place, it was much darker now but I was no longer in Toms arms.

"Y/N please wake up!" Jake cried as Tom held him in his arms.

Looking around there was people trying to help me to wake up, however after what just happened I was scared. "Get off me" Screaming at them, trying to get up.

"Y/n we are trying to help. We need to clean up your face" The man said.

"NOOO! Please stop. Just stop" I cried out.

"y/n don't worry i'm here, there just gonna clean you up" Sophia put a blanket around my shoulders helping me to stand up and walk me to the ambulance car to sit down.

"Sophia? Please tell them stop"

"I'm here, so is everyone else. Listen they just wanna make sure your okay, then it will all be done. Alright?" She said and I just nodded.

The paramedics checked me out making sure that nothing was broken and luckily there wasn't. That was quite a surprise though as Ethan oh ned me so hard. They gave me a mirror and I saw my face, there was so many bruises and my right eyebrow had a cut on it.

I looked broken, weak and I felt so numb inside. "That's all y/n. You feeling okay?"

"Y-yeah, thanks" I gave a weak smile, pulling the blanket closer to my body, sitting on a big rock in the field. Ethan was finally gone, they sent him to jail, for a very long time. The other man is also going behind bars, so that's great.

"Hey" A voice said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hey" I said as I knew it was Tom. He sat down next to me, keeping a distance in between us. "I'm sorry-"

"Don't apologise"

"Well I just am sorry. You've been through so much and I deeply apologise for everything. You don't deserve this, you should be happy and free. But now you are, Ethan's gone. He's never coming back and I promise you that now" He spoke looking at me in the eyes.

"They promised that he wouldn't come near me again. And now look at me, I'm hurt and my face is ruined" I looked at him.

"Your still really pretty. And I wish I could kill him right now" He smiled, holding my face in his hand and I leaned into his touch. "Hug?" He asked and I nod.

He wrapped his arms around the back of my neck and mine around his waist. It now started to pour down with rain but we didn't move. Everyone had left now, our friends wanted to stay but we told them to go back home.

"Why? Why do you do it? why do you stay?"

"Because I love you y/n" He said.

"Stop, don't say that. Please dont. You don't mean it so please stop saying it" I cry standing up to walk away but he grabs my arm to pull me back to him. Both our bodies were soaking wet due to it raining like crazy.

"I do mean it y/n, I love-"

"yeah, well not the way I love you. I'm fucking in love with you Tom!"

Fuck! Did I just say that out loud?!

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