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I'm so sorry guys I took a little break, but I do have a reason. It's only because my nephews Nan had sadly passed away on Wednesday. I was going to post this on that day as I was going to finish it, however I was a bit too upset. Still am now, even though she wasn't related to me I still spoke to her and she was so kind, sweet and made my nephew and his cousins all happy.

Her name was Kim, we called her Nanny kim and she shared so many good memories with us. You will always be in my heart, thanks for making my nephews so happy <3

Rip Kim xx

"OMG! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" Tom screamed at the tv as he spammed his controller, his tongue sticking out a bit as he concentrated on the game.

"Yeah, What the fuck!" Liam copied him, making mine and Toms eyes widen.

Tom paused his game, turning to the 2 year old who was sitting behind him, playing with a toy. "No, no. You don't say that word it's a bad word, Liam" He then looks at me with guilty eyes.

We were watching him whilst Kirsty and Finn went on a little date as they haven't had time on there own for a while. I of course said i'll happily watch him, mostly to get that Untie and Nephew bond, you know.

Nikki had asked me to come over with Liam as she will be doing a family dinner, she had suggested that we stay over too but I denied saying it was too much to keep a 2 year old at there home.

Tom and I are meant to be teaching him good things, however Tommy decides to forget that a soon to be toddler is next to him.

"Fuck!" He shouts laughing. "Fuck, Fuck" He repeats and that's when Nikki walks into the room. Liam turned to Nikki repeating Toms words, "What the actual fuck" He giggled and Nikki gave us a look.

"Your son over here, is a Tw- said a bad word. Liam, bubs we don't say words like that" I walk over to him, slapping Tom at the back of his head.

"Y-yeah, don't say that" Tom says, rubbing the back of his head. (you didn't do it too hard btw just a little tap).

"Thomas don't be saying rude things around a 2 year old." Nikki crossed her arms around her chest. "Anyways, Liam wanna go upstairs and find some other toys?" She asked and he nodded grabbing her hand.

When she had left the room with Liam, Tom went back to his game. I finished my homework that needed to be done, putting it back into my bag after. Tom kept saying cusses at his game but now only mumbled them.

"IM FUCKING DONE WITH THIS SHI-" I quickly moved over to him and covered his mouth with my hand, so he doesn't shout anymore. He immediately looked at me, licking my hand.

"Ewww" Pulling my hand away wiping it on my bottoms. He just laughed, "What's so funny Mr Saying bad words?" I joke.

"Your just funny, and cute" He pulled me down so I was sitting on his lap. He then pulled me in for a kiss, I pulled away realising that we are kissing in his living room and anyone could come in. "Why did you pull away" He whined.

"Tommy, we are in your front room. Anyone could walk in"

"No one will walk in, There all upstairs and plus we will hear them" He says, pulling me in for a slow kiss.

This one involved tongue too. Wow this boy can kiss good. You thought. The kiss kept getting deeper and deeper, that was until someone cleared there throat. Both of you pull away, you looking behind Tom and Tom having to turn around to see who it was.


It was Nikki. I quickly scrambled off her sons lap, standing up straight away and so did Tom. We both stayed quite not really knowing what to say. Nikki on the other hand just smiled at us,

"Dinner is gonna be ready in five" She casually says like she didn't just see me and Tom. Then she walks out the room, going into the kitchen.

"Shit. We just got Caught. Babe I literally told you someone will walk in" I looked at my boyfriend who was smirking. "Why you smirking!" I whine like a baby.

"Just still getting used to you calling me babe" He  pulled my arms close to his body.

"That's all you care about, that was so awkward and like in front of your mum, Tommy"

"It's okay, she seemed calm about it. I mean we are older now, so she shouldn't care" He places a kiss on my head, walking upstairs, most likely going to the bathroom.

Walking into the kitchen, Nikki was starting to get all the plates out, I happily took them off her helping her to set the table out. I didn't know what to say really, I stayed quite for a few minutes.

Once I was done making the table, I walked over to her. "So.....erm. I-I'm sorry, y-you uhhh saw that" I awkwardly say, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Darling, it's okay. I knew that Tom liked you and i'm happy eventually he asked you out. Well I'm guessing you guys are dating, right?" She smiles rubbing my arm.

"Y-yeah we are. For like a week now. I really love your son, you know" I place my hand on her hand which was held on my arm.

"He loves you to. You both are cute together, I've been waiting. He needs someone like you, your perfect. I couldn't imagine anyone else for him. Your like the daughter I never had y/n, I love you. And I really care about you, after everything you have gone through. You deserve to be happy and i'll never stop that. I'm happy that your happy and i'm happy that Tom is as well" She smiled, this was the best thing to hear.

Nikki is so kind and nice, she really warms my heart and the truth is she's always been a mum figure to me. I love her so much too.

"I love you too Nikki, Thanks for always being here. I really do owe it to you" she pulls me for a hug.

"You don't owe me anything. Now let's call everyone down to eat" She says, placing food onto the table.

I run up the stairs, going to tell everyone that food was ready. First I told Paddy who was with Dom. Then I walked over to Harry's room, which I knocked first before opening the door. "Harry Food-AHHHHHH. FUCK! OMGGGGGG. IM SORRY. SHIT. Erm food is ready" I quickly shut the door.

I did not just see that....

"Darling, Are you okay?" Tom came running out of his room.

"y-yeah. I think I need to wash my eyes out with holy water or something. Woah" I rub my eyes.

"You walked in on Harry?" Sam walked out of his room.


"You walked in on Harry. It's a teenage thing y/n, the boy was wanking" He chuckles.

Is this normal for them?

"Why do you say it likes its a-ohhh you've seen him..okay. But still why do it when people are in the house, surely do it home alone"

"That's Harry for you, and most people. Don't act like you haven't done anything when someone was there. Tom over here does it a lot." Sam walked down the stairs.

Truth was you never have done it. Should I try? Am I meant to do something to pleasure myself? You thought.

"Sam shut up. Anyways let's go eat shall we" Tom says picking up Liam who now was by his leg.

"Y-yeah let's go eat. HARRY HURRY UP" I scream and Tom laughs.

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