He's gone now

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Warnings: Violent things, blood, swearing, crying and mentions of killing.

(It will be good at the end though so don't worry. Also idk if the start will be bad as I was bunking my lesson at the time and I was rushing incase someone came)

Sorry it does change POV a lot


All I did was run. The place where Ethan and Jake are is a bit far, however I know the short cut. Sadly it is through bushes and all that shit but I really didn't care.

When I got to the field by Jakes School, I looked around everywhere for him. Checking my pockets I realised I gave Sophia my phone. "Fuck" cursing to myself.

About seconds later I heard a scream, "NOOOO" That voice, I recognised it. It's Jakes. I was panicking so much right now, Ethan better not have hurt Jake.

Then I saw them, Ethan was standing next to a guy who was holding Jake by his shirt. As soon as the guy threw Jake to the ground I ran towards them shouting, "Oiii get off my brother! Leave him alone Ethan"

"Well, well, well look who we have here. Y/N Wilson, you know I'm surprised you didn't bring that little boyfriend of yours. He's so sweet-"

"Leave him out of this. You wanted me so here I am. Just leave Jake and everyone else out of this. You wanna kill me? Kill me. Really you would be doing me a favour. So kill me, Ethan. I know you want to. It's a shame, to be honest. You could've had a good life but you do this. Why?" I slowly walk towards them.

It was getting dark by now as it was around January time and it gets dark so early, this was a bad thing as I knew he could do anything and get away with it. Whereas in daylight he could get caught.

"Maybe I will just kill you. I'll make your brother watch" He grabs me by my neck, putting a knife too my throat and I gulped. "Not so brave are we now y/n"

"Noooo please. Don't hurt her" Jake cried and the other man slapped him.

This made me furious, I started boiling with this anger. Ethan pulled the knife away from me so I took this as my advantage to kick him in the balls. He groaned holding the area I just kicked. The only problem I forgot about was the other man, who grabbed my from behind, then turned me to face him.

It was that guy, the same guy that tried to rape me that night in the alley way, when I left ellis' house. My breathing started to get heavy just by looking at him, But I knew I had to be strong, for Jake, My mum, Tom, everyone. As long as Jake was okay, I didn't really care what happened to me.

"Just leave my brother out of this. Let him be free, he's still so young let him-" I was cut off by Ethan punching me in the face. Collapsing to the ground, I place my hand where he had just punched. My jaw felt numb and there would for sure be a bruise there....a big one.

"Ahhhh" I yelp out, whilst crying.

"I told you to listen to me y/n. You have ruined my life, YOU LIED TO THE POLICE. NOW YOU WILL PAY FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE" Ethan screams climbing on top of me to hold me down.


There was no way out of this.

"You think I wanted this to happen. No. You see Ethan you ruined my life, you made it a living hell. SO FUCK YOU ETHAN. I COULD'VE BEEN HAPPY AND FREE, ALL I WANTED WAS A NORMAL LIFE WITH ME, JAKE AND MY MUM BUT NO YOU FUCKED IT UP-" Another sharp pain went to my other cheek now. All I did is laugh, If anyone saw me they would think I was some psycho.

"Y/N NO LEAVE HER ALONE!" Jake cried, his screams sounding quiet as the whole world started spinning around me.

"It's fine Jake. My life couldn't get any fucking worse-" Another punch to my face. "Just please let Jake go, you can kill-" Punch. "kill me-" I got cut off by a shout of a boy, which Ethan had to turn around to see who it was.

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