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Warning: Smut, fingering, sex, riding Tom, swearing, moaning.

(I'll let yk when it's the smut but it mostly is about the smut it's so bad I had to get some ideas)

The party was still live around 1am people were drinking, dancing even being sick. The time had finally come, my surprise that I have been waiting to give Tom.

I know I haven't said it yet, I'm still a bit nervous. I had to do it at the right time, and that was Tom not being too drunk but maybe being a little tipsy.

Incase he was a little too drunk, I filled up a glass of water slowly taking it up the stairs passing many drunk and horny teenagers. Someone was kissing someone up against the wall, people were going wild.

Opening Toms door, I see a couple kissing on his bed. I didn't even know who they were, they were literal strangers as everyone invited whoever clearly.

As soon as they saw me they started to carry on thinking I would go out. "Hey get out now! Go fuck somewhere else!" I told them both, they both ran out the room giggling drunkly.

Placing the glass of water on Toms bed, I fixed his covers before looking in the mirror. I fixed my hair a bit, before spraying some more perfume all around my body. Lighting up the candles around his room. Everything was ready, now all I needed to do was bring Tom upstairs.

Taking a deep breath, closing his door behind me. I walk down the stairs into the party to find my incredibly hot boyfriend. Of course it was an easy task, you could catch Tom anywhere in a crowd. Especially with his questionable dance moves.

"Hey baby, care for a dance?" He asked, sounding not that drunk.

"Didn't you want your surprise Tommy?" I reply back with a grin, he nodded quickly. "Wanna come upstairs with me then?"

"Yes, yes. Let's go upstairs" He grabbed my hand, running up the stairs into his bedroom closing the door behind him. Sadly there wasn't a lock on his door, so anyone could walk in, let's hope not.

"C-can you drink this water first?" I held up the glass, him taking it from me and drinking it all. My nerves were now coming out.

"What's wrong darling?" He placed his hand on my leg, which was bouncing up and down like crazy.

(Remember when Tom done it to Zendaya's leg🥺🥺)

"Y-your not like really drunk right? Like if something happens you would remember and stuff" I nervously ask looking at him in the eyes.

"Yeah, listen i'm not even that drunk bubs. Just tell me what's up" He cheerfully smiles placing his hand on my back rubbing it to soothe me.

"I wanna do something....with you. It's kinda your surprise but I've been so prepared and I'm ready now Tommy" I told him moving to sit in his lap, now straddling him on the edge of his bed.

"Anything baby, just spit it out" He put his hand through my hair holding it there for a while.

Say ur y/n.

Go on.

Just say it.

3,2,1....say it.


"I wanna have sex with you"

I admitted it, finally it was off my chest for good. I've been thinking about it for a while and now we have been dating for 6 months now. I wanna do more things than just pleasuring him, I wanted to feel it too. I trust Tom and I wanna loose our virginity together.

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