The phone call

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Harrison's POV:

I was still at the party when I decided to go upstairs to go to the bathroom. As I was walking down the hall someone bumped into me. I look down to see y/n with tears falling down her eyes.

"Y/n what's wrong? you okay?" I asked.

"N-nothing. I-I have to go, sorry" she lied but I stayed in front of her

"Want me to get Tom?"

"No! Please I wanna be left alone" She cried then pushed passed me. I was gonna chase after her until I heard some laughter coming from behind me. Turning around Tom was drunk as hell, he couldn't even walk straight. But the worst thing was that he was with another girl who he then started to kiss.

Fuck, that's why y/n is upset. I thought. I mean I was drunk but not that drunk, I remember Tom kissing y/n and I know she is in love with him and so is Tom. But she must've thought something after that kiss they shared. Now Tom really has ruined it.

"Alright, alright. Stop now. We need to get you home" I pull Tom away from the girl.

"W-what nooo. Me and y/nnn wanna stay longerrrr" He whined.

"Y/n! MY NAMES BIANCA!" The girl shouts, walking away from us.

"Tom that wasn't y/n" I told him.

"Whattttt but I was kissing y/nnn. Literally I was like a minute ago" He slurred as I dragged him away from the house.

I called Sophia to meet me outside so we can all go to my house. We then called a cab and went to my house, I sent y/n a message to tell me when she gets home, but as I expected she never replied back.


2 days later....

"Y/N you had me worried sick! You never called or texted me after the day of the party" Harrison said whilst we walked out of our class.

"I was busy" I lied.

"Don't lie y/n. Remember you cannot be alone due to what happen the other week. I thought something happened to you, I was worried sick" He ranted on more.

Yeah, It did suck. Knowing that Tom only kissed me due to being drunk...hurt. It hurt a lot. At the time I was sober and It felt real to me, but now it's playing with my feelings. For the past two days i've been sitting at home with lots of blankets bingeing on Netflix. Trying to get my thoughts away from Tom.

Well that was until now. Of course I knew I would see him at school, however actually seeing him after the kiss he cannot remember really gets to me.

"Y/n, what the fuck! I came to your house, knocking on the door and you didn't answer. I phoned your sister, she said you was at home but you ignored all my calls. Why? Did something happen?" Tom came up to me with worry cross his face.

"ugh not you as well. Listen I'm fine, I'm here aren't I? Now both of you quit worrying and shut up" I scoff walking more quicker away from them. It was rude the way I said it, I wouldn't disagree but he kinda deserved it even though he couldn't help being drunk and kissing me.

Sitting at our lunch table Sophia came over with Harrison and Tom following behind. Great.

"Sophia just talk to her" Harrison muttered before they all sat down.

"Hey y/n, you know y-" Before she could finish her sentence I cut her off "Don't, don't say what your gonna say. Listen I'm fine and I'm sorry for being rude" I told Harrison and Tom.

They all went silent after I said that and I felt them all staring so I put my head on the table. After a couple of seconds they started making random conversations and then Cameron and Lily came over, giving them a look to why I was so moody. I think they must've shrugged or something as they both just sat down. Lily sitting next to me.

"Y/n wanna go talk?" Lily whispered grabbing my hand under the table, which I just nod to and stood up. "Sophia" She said moving her head to where I was walking away telling her to come and follow us.

We went inside of one of the buildings making sure that no one was there. "y/n what's wrong?" Lily asked.


"Tom?" they both asked.

"Yes, Tom. You wasn't at the party Lily and Sophia you was way to drunk. Tom kissed me i-in-front of everyone, well some people. I thought he meant it when he kissed me, I mean it was a full make out kiss not just a peck. But I'm so fucking stupid as later he's kissing a girl against the wall and then acts like nothing happened as he's drunk as fuck. He was drunk and it hurt my feelings" I couldn't cry, I tried not to.

"Hey, hey. Listen your so strong y/n don't let a stupid drunk boy make you feel like this. I get it, it must hurt but Remember they do say when you do something drunk it's sober...wait no that's not even the saying. Drunk thoughts are sober meanings?" Sophia said.

"Drunk words mean sober thoughts." Lily corrected her. "Listen you and Tom are blind to see it but you both love one another and I'm telling you Tom is in love with you. You can just tell by the way he looks at you. He wouldn't just kiss you for no reason y/n/n." Lily tried to be reasonable.

"Yeah but it's messing up my feelings because I really like him. And he doesn't even like me like that, I don't care what y-" I was cut off by the sound of my phone vibrating. Taking it out of my pocket I saw that Jake was calling me?

(Yes he has a phone even if he's 8 but like remember the kid needs it as his parents don't really even care)

"One sec" I told Sophia and Lily walking a little bit away from them and answering the phone. "Hey Jake, aren't you meant to be at school why you calling me?"

However Instead of hearing Jakes voice I heard none other than the man I despise...Ethan.

"Well hello y/n" He chuckles.

"Ethan? What the fuck are you doing with Jakes phone! Where is he?" My heart was racing, Fuck!

"Y/n! Pleaseee" Jake cried in the background.

"Don't lay a hand on him! Leave him alone he's your son why are you doing this"

"Don't worry Princess, I'm not gonna hurt him. Well that's up to you, You see I need revenge y/n and you lied a lot to the police"

Wait how did he know!

"I'll do anything just please tell me what you want me to do" Lily and Sophia gave me a look trying to figure out what was going on.

"Come to the field by Jakes school the one where Jake nearly got lost that time. If your not here in 5 minutes you'll regret it" He then ends the call.

My heart was racing, I needed to get to Jake quickly. I don't know what Ethan has planned or is capable of doing.

Quickly dropping my bag on the floor, I turn to Sophia and Lily. "Listen I need you to go to Tom and tell him to call the police Lady. He will know what I mean and tell him she needs to get her people to come to (Location of field). Say that Ethan is there and he has Jake. Take my phone"

And with that I ran out of the building, running pass the boys to go to the gate so I can go get Jake.

Toms POV

Y/n has been in a bad mood all day, she has been ignoring me for 2 days now and today she snapped at me and Haz, for no reason. Lily and Sophia are most likely speaking to her right now as they all walked away due to her being in a bad mood. I feel like I had done something but i don't know what.

"Sorry" I heard a voice say.

And I look up to see y/n out of breath, apologising to someone she had run into. But then she began to run again and out of the gate which led to the park by our school. (Not the park she needs to be at)

Where is she going?!

"Tom. You need to call that police lady, y/n said you will know who she means by that. And her people need to go to (location) because of Ethan he has Jake" Sophia quickly said. And my eyes widen, this can't be happening. Y/N cannot be with him alone either.

"Fuck, Thanks." I begin to stand up to go out of the school. When everyone follows behind.

"We are coming as well, here take her phone. I got the number in my phone now and i'll call the women, we will meet you there" Sophia said, then I ran outside the school hoping that everything will be okay.

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