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few days later

There's 10 more days until prom, everyone has been talking about it around the school. It's the last thing we ever get to do together in high school. As after prom we will have left school to go to college or a sixth form.

Me and the girls have even planning our dresses together, we've been thinking about maybe a nice shade of blue. We wanted to all match and wanted our significant others to maybe do the same too. Tom hasn't asked me to prom yet, well that was until a few days ago.

Before school around 3 days ago,  me and Tom met up in the park we normally chill out as our 'spot' on the hill. My head was leaning on top of his shoulder, whilst his head was on top of mine. It was peaceful, nice and calming at the hill.

"I have something to ask you"  He told me, making me lift my head up to look at him. I nodded for him to carry on and he did. "I know I haven't asked you yet, but I don't wanna go with anyone else. I know this ain't a so romantic way to ask but I just want it to be us to....Do you wanna go to prom with me?" He asked smiling down at me.

"Yesss, I would love to go to prom with you" I excitedly say, kissing his lips then hugging him tight.

Now we are all discussing themes and colours for our prom dresses and how we should have our hair. We were all having a girls sleepover at Lily's house. The boys had gone to a party, that we didn't want to attend as we haven't hanged out just us in ages. And we wanted the boys to have their 'bro' time together. We did tell them if they needed anything then to let us know. The party was a pretty big one, I really didn't feel like going so I begged the girls not to go.

"So how's everything with you and Tom?" Lilly asks, peeling her face mask of her face.

"We're going good. I really love him guys, he makes me feel special" I tell them, Tom really was an amazing guy.

"I'm so glad your happy now, and i'm so happy that we get this girl time together. We haven't done this in ages. I've been needing a pamper night to do face masks and other things" Sophia sighs in satisfaction when she peels the wet mask of her face.

"Yeah, I wonder how the boys are" I say.

For the rest of the night we did lots of things. We ate lots of snacks, made some TikTok's, binged watched on some Netflix movies and series. We didn't even go sleep until 5 in the morning. And when I woke up at 11, I was knackered. Even with about 6 hours sleep I was tired and exhausted.

That didn't stop me from getting up though, I had to get changed and say my goodbyes to pick up Jake. He had stayed at a friends house not to far from Sophia's so I picked him up on the way to go home. To be honest Jake had been taking the situation very well lately. After Ethan being in jail and my mum sleeping with other men.

On the way back, me and Jake picked up some brunch to eat when we get back home. The walk wasn't that long, we were pretty quick. After eating I had received a message from Tom.

Tommy❤️- Hey, can we talk tonight?

Y/n- Yeah, sure. Everything okay? xx

Tommy❤️- Everything's fine, I just need to tell you something. I love you x

Y/n- Okay message me what's time! I love you too x

That was strange you thought, you were a bit worried of what it could be. Normally when people want to talk it means bad things or something serious. I brush of that feeling, going to do my chores around the house. I needed to clean the house, wash the clothes, do the dishes, check what other food do we need. I know right, it's a lot! Well my mum doesn't do shit anymore so it looks like a crack house.

I kept myself occupied throughout the day by doing multiple of things. Before going to Toms, I showered then put on a hoodie, which was his, and a pair of black leggings. He told me to meet at his house for 8. I left mine around 7:50, arriving at his before 8p.m.

Knocking on the door, it opened instantly. To what I thought would be a happy Tom was one with puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"Tommy, what's wrong?" My smile dropped into a frown by looking at his sad face.

"Can we just go upstairs?" He asked and I nod. I think it was just him and his brothers here as Nikki and Dom's cars weren't at the front. As we got into his room he shut his door behind me, motioning for me to take a seat on his bed.

He sat down next to me, more tears falling. "Don't cry please, tell me what's wrong baby" I cup his face with my hands, him leaning into it.

"I-I did something bad and I'm so sorry y/n" He cried into my hands, making me look at him confused. "I'm sure it's not that bad, just tell me I won't be mad" I reassure him, waiting for what he says to be not that bad.

"I cheated on you" He blurted out looking at me waiting to see my reaction. My face was blank, I didn't know whether I heard him right.

This has to be a lie right?

"Stop joking around, very funny" I nervously laugh hoping it's a lie. But his expression told me it wasn't.

"I'm so sorry baby" more tears fell.

"N—-no. No please tell me it's a lie. Tom, please tell me your joking" I let go of his cheeks, my hands going to my lap. Now there was a little bit of a gap between us.

"I was so fucking drunk, one minute i'm partying then I wake up in bed with Jessica. I was so fucking drunk. Baby i'm so sorry" He pleaded.

"Don't call me that" I snapped. "Jessica! You slept with Jessica! She's the fucking enemy! THOMAS! WE JUST HAD SEX LAST WEEK! Did that mean nothing to you?" Tears threaten to escape my eyes.

"Darling it didn't mean nothing to you..I love you" He tried to grab my hands but I stood up away from him.

"Don't say that. You wouldn't have cheated on me. Tommy this was going so well, I thought you would never hurt me" Now that's when tears came. Tom was the last person I thought that would do this to me, the pain in my chest was unreal.

"y/n I was fucking out of my mind, I was drunk. I know it's not an excuse please i'm sorry"

I scoff going to the door, "Even if you was fucking drunk you would know better to not do it. There is no us anymore Thomas. I'm done. I-I thought you was better. I fucking love you so much. This hurts tom" You turn away going to open the door.

"No, no. Please don't break up with me. Y/n your my best friend, my girlfriend. I need you in my life" He stood up walking over to me.

I open the door, "Goodbye Thomas" I give him one last looks before slamming his door closed. Tears fell down my face. I couldn't believe it. Tom would never ever cheat on me, well that's what I thought........I guess I was very wrong.

Tomorrow may be better

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