
832 9 4

Warning: Shouting, swearing, some type of abuse and a lot of crying!


Well that was a pain in my ass.
Probably one of the most annoying thing to sit through. And it was a Friday!

When it was over though I was relieved.
"Do you all wanna have a sleepover at mine?" Harrison asked everyone.

"I can't come but maybe another day, sorry" Lily said.

Everyone else replied with a 'yeah'.
"Come to mine for 6"

Then we all walked our separate ways. Well me and Tom walked together some of the way. As I arrived at my house, I heard shouting and screaming again. My mum and Dad were clearly fighting again. I took a deep breath before opening the door and then I heard a smash.

"What's going on?" I walk into the kitchen to see a glass smashed on the floor and a random women wearing only her underwear walk passed me.

"YOUR FUCKING DAD CHEATED ON ME! WITH THAT PIECE OF SHIT" My mum shouted, my heart dropped.

"Y-you what?" I looked at my so what called Dad.



He then grabs my mums wrist tight and I could see my mums pain as he grabbed her.
"GET OFF HER" I shouted ripping his hands off her.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH" He slaps my face.
My dad doesn't really hit me, but when he does I know he's scared. Normally me and Jake just hide in the bedroom, however I'm older now.

Oh shit Jake!

I ran up the stairs into my bedroom to look under my bed. Jake was laying there crying his eyes out.

"Jake? Don't worry it's me. Your okay" I pull him out from under the bed and hug him tight.

"H-he was with a-another g-girl" he sobbed into my neck.

"I know. I know. Shhhh don't worry. I'm here now" I start to cry.

"I was waiting for you. I-I thought you left me. Like Kirsty did" he cried.

"What? Jake. No, I would never leave you. I love you and If I was to ever leave....I would make sure you would come with me" I look at him and smile.

"I love you sis" he smiles.

"Y/N! GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE" My dad shouts.

"Listen just stay here i'll be-"

"No I don't wanna be alone. I'm coming with you" he grabs my hand.

Me and Jake both slowly walk down the stairs still hearing arguing. I was so mad and upset, how could my Dad do that! I thought he loved his family, but clearly not. I just really hope my mum would leave him now, I'm sure she would.

"Y/n I didn't cheat okay. Your mum is just being a bitch" my dad says.


"IM FUCKING LEAVING!" My Dad storms pass me and after 5 mins hecomes back down the stairs with a bag.

"D-dad where are you going?" Jake asked.

"I'm leaving Jake, and your coming with me" he grabs Jakes hand but I pull him back.

"He's not going anywhere with you Ethan, not like this. " I hide Jake behind me.

"What did you just call me!" he spits in my face.

"I-I called you Ethan, because right now you don't feel like my Dad. YOU CHEATED AND THREW AWAY MY TRUST. IM SICK AND TIRED OF THIS BULLSHIT! WHY CANT WE BE A NORMAL HAPPY FAMILY" I cry.

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