All eyes were on me.

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Toms POV

I was just angry mostly. I just can't believe y/n would do that, it's just really fake to be honest. Y/N is meant to be smart and kind but now she's clearly different. Riley Bennett is the reason why she said all them things.

"TOM! Come down stairs" I heard my mum shout. I run down the stairs and stop when I see her....y/n.

"No. Get the fuck out y/n" I say.

"Tom, don't be so rude" my mum snaps.

"I don't fucking care. Y/N I don't wanna see you" I didn't mean to be rude to my mum but I was so pissed off right now.

"Please Tom. You didn't let me explain-" she says

"What's going on?" Harry walks in the room.

"Tom and the others are listening to someone that has chatted so much shit it's unreal. They haven't even listened to my side of the story" y/n tells him.

That really annoyed me, as she was the first one to chat so much shit about us in the first place.
"Oh he chatted so much shit? WELL YOUR THE ONE SO FAR UP HIS FUCKING ASS ITS UNREAL. To think you were smart, your just a dumb fucking bitch-"

"OII TOM!" my mum shouts angrily.

"No. I DONT FUCKING CARE ANYMORE. Y/N DO US A FAVOUR AND FUCK OFF! NO ONE WANTS TO FUCKING SEE YOU RIGHT NOW. YOUR A SNAKEY, RUDE, STUPID BITCH. YOUR SO FUCKING FAKE! WE DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING TO YOU, WE HAVE BEEN NOTHING BUT AMAZING FRIENDS TO YOU. AND I ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR STUPID PROBLEMS!" I yell in her face. I did have some guilt inside me when I saw her crying. However, I just couldn't control myself. None of it was true I didn't even mean to say it.

"TOM THATS ENOUGH" Harry pushes me.

"I-Im just g-gonna go" she storms out the door in the cold rain.


"FUCK OFF HARRY!" I push him, running to my room and slamming the door.



"Y/N wake up we have school!" Jake shakes me to wake me up.

"yeah I'm up" I say.

I normally never get woken up by someone i'm always up and ready. However after yesterday I just feel numb and most of all hurt. I understand it all though I deserve every single thing coming for me.

"Fuck sakes" I groan as I realise I run out of concealer.

Now I have to go to school with a bruised eye and make up some stupid lie!

I quickly put on a blue hoodie and some leggings. I had PE today so the teachers shouldn't care of what I wear. The only thing I had to do is put my hood up and hopefully no one will ask questions.

"Where's Tom I haven't seen him in like 4 days?" Jake asks me whilst I put my shoes on.

"O-oh we aren't really friends anymore" I look down.

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