panic attack

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Warning: panic attack, Crying, Mentions of a knife, rape and violence.

Guys I'm so sorry If this ain't a good description of a panic attack. Yes I have had many panic attacks before but some people may feel or experience it different. I just know from mine and others people I know experience of panic attacks so I'm sorry xxxx

I didn't check this by the way so there may be spelling mistakes, Idk..Hopefully not.

This one's a little king 2.3k words wow, pretty impressed with myself :) xx

I have been at Ellis' house for about 2 hours now, we are just talking about life and getting to know each other. He's a really nice guy actually, there's so many interesting things about him. We most likely will be very good friends.

"So who do you like?" Ellis asks whilst he throws popcorn in his mouth.

"No one" I lie really badly.

"Don't lie, I promise I won't tell anyone" he says.

"Fine....I like....Tom" I blush just by mentioning his name.

"Omggg, I knew it. The way you look at him, he is a hot guy after all! AHHH Y/n likes Tom holland" He starts jumping around.

"Alright, alright. Calm down-"

"You should date him you would be cute together" he squeals.

"He's my best friend he probably wouldn't feel the same" I sigh.

"Are you crazy! He would be dumb if he didn't like you, your so amazing"

"Thanks Ellis, really. I might tell him soon....I'm in love with him"


"Omggg stop. I haven't even told him yet" I chuckle.

Finally he calmed down and sat back down on the sofa. "Anyways what's the time?" I ask.

"It's 8:40pm"

"Shit, I better get going" I stand up going to get my shoes.

"You want me to walk you, it's very late" he says.

"No, it's okay. Harrison lives a few roads from here, i'll just stay at his as we don't have school tomorrow. Thanks though, this was fun we should do it again soon" I smile putting my bag over both my shoulders. (it's your school bag)

"bye message me when your there" he gives me a side hug.

"I will do bye Ellis" I walk outside closing the door behind me.

I didn't even realise how cold it would be, I was only wearing a t-shirt. It was pitch black as well, I was kinda scared being alone but Harrison only live a few roads away and I knew he would let me stay the night.

Unfortunately as I was walking to Harrison's it started to rain and it didn't help at all, as I saw a figure a few feet in front of me. Of course I was worried the person was wearing all black with there hood on and I'm just a 16 year old travelling home in the pitch black dark.

I quickly crossed the road to make myself feel safer, I was about to get my phone out to send Harrison a message until I felt someone grab me and slam me into the brick wall.

"Ahhh" I groaned in pain as my arms scraped across the wet and cold, tough brick wall. "GET OFF ME!" I screamed.

"Y/N SHUT THE FUCK UP!" The man shouted.

Wait how did they know my name?

"Please leave me alone. How do you know me!" I tried to wiggle out of his grip but he only held my wrists tighter.

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