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No warnings just cuteness overload.

"We should head back now, it's so cold" I rub my arms, hugging them around my chest.

"Yeah, Can't believe we stayed in the rain. Wanna go back to mine?" he asked.

"Yeah sure, Is Jake at yours or?"

"Harrison said he will drop him at mine as mum said she doesn't mind watching him and Paddy wanted someone to play games with him anyways" He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me into the side of his body as it was so cold.

"That's fine. Luckily you don't live that far from here so we shouldn't be too cold for so long" I smile up at him.

We both walked back to his house, close together as our bodies warmed one another. As soon as we arrived at the door he opened it with his keys, taking his arms off my waist, then letting me walk in first.

Once he had closed the door, there stood all the Holland's looking at us worryingly. We both quickly took of our shoes, shivering and soaking wet. We were both absolutely drenched, water was dripping down from our hair and clothes.

"Let me get you some towels" Nikki said grabbing some clean towels from the side and wrapping one over me and one over Tom.

"I heard everything that happened are you okay?" Sam asked me.

"Yeah, he's gone now so that's a good thing. Just hurt me a little but i'm fine" I smile at him.

"Darling, I'm so sorry. Oh my your face, do you need anything?" Nikki inspected my face.

"I'm fine , honestly. Maybe just a shower and i'll be fine" I tell her holding her warm hands in mine.

"Okay, I'll just run the shower for you and i'll make you both something to eat. You both need to warm up so i'll make some tea." Nikki smiles walking to the kitchen and we both thank her.

After talking to the other Holland brothers and Dom we both went upstairs into Toms room.
"You go shower first" He tells me. "No, it's your shower you go" I say. "Darling, just go shower first. Actually I'll use Harry's" He grins walking out of the room.

When I got into his bathroom I locked the door, smelling the scent of Tom straight away. Taking off my clothes, I threw them into the dirty washing basket and then quickly stepping into the shower.

The warm water hitting my body straight away as the steam rises. Sighing in relief as I stand there letting the water hit my now warmer body. Finally I can be free, this is a new beginning for me. Maybe now I can be happy, it's already starting of good, I mean me and Tom are dating.

Woah! Tom Holland is my boyfriend. Hahah that's gonna take time to get used to. I thought.

After cleaning my body I began to wash my hair by squirting the shampoo into the palm of my hand. Smelling it, as it smelt like Toms hair, such an amazing scent it is. When I washed that out, I put the conditioner at the ends of my hair.

Finally I was done so I turned off the shower, stepping out and looking in the mirror. My face didn't look as bad as it did earlier, just a couple of bruises and my eye brow had a little stitch in it, due to it being busted by Ethan. Then I smiled to myself a little, knowing that everything will be okay, and that Ethan was gone.

Unlocking the bathroom door, I walked into Toms bedroom to find him on his bed with his phone in his hand. He was wearing a black hoodie and grey joggers.

As he looked up from his phone seeing me, he smiled, then realised I was still in my towel so he looked away, so I laughed. "What you laughing at?" He said.

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