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Gullt. That's all I could really feel. I mean I just broke up with my boyfriend when he needed me the most. Then a thought came into my head, grabbing Jacks phone in front of me again having a look at the group chat. I deleted it off his phone but it still is there in the chat, online and around the school.

"Oi you had your look-" He tried to grab his phone but I turned around walking over to my table as he followed me. Cameron, Harrison and Tom were the only ones sitting there, my attention going to Cameron.

"Cameron your good at this stuff, I need you to take it down for me. It's on Jessica's story you need to try delete them all" I pull him up, Shoving the phone in his face as Tom and Harrison gave us looks.

"What is- okay I won't ask. I'll use my computer at home" He didn't bother asking as he saw my facial expression to say 'don't you dare ask'.

I fake smile at him, happy to know he could do these things. "Thanks Cameron, now you excuse me I have to go deal with something" I throw Jack his phone, giving Cameron a small hug before walking past him to find Jessica.

That didn't take me long to do so. She's always walking around the school, trying to get all the boys attention. She was talking in the corner of the halls as everyone got there things ready to go home.

As I was about to walk up to her Sophia and Lily walked in front of me, "y/n I know your angry Tom cheated on you but-" Lily tried to explain to not go after Jessica.

"Tom didn't cheat on me, i'm surprised you haven't seen the video. Jessica raped him and sent the video around the school" I told them, there faces changing into shocked but angry.

"That little bitch" Sophia snickered nodding my head to carry on going to her as Lily did the same. Both of them wanting to kill her for what they did to their best friend.

"Oi Jessica!" I call out for her, some people looking at me. Jessica stopped her conversation with a smirk, "Oh hey y/n" She giggled.

Her little friends stood by her side whilst I walked up to her going into her face. "You think it's funny to do that to him, you think your so fucking amazing. You raped Tom Jessica!" I shove her a little.

"Tom wanted it y/n so he got it" Jessica told me making my blood boil even more.

"HE SAID STOP" I shouted before punching her in the face, blood dripping down from her right nostril. "Your gonna pay for that, just watch" I glare at her not wanting to cause a scene.

And that day I did get her back. It was quite easy actually, I had gotten hold of her nudes by someone so I decided to post it everywhere. I also went to her house that day telling her parents her disgusting behaviour. It's snitching, so what. Now she isn't allowed to go to prom tomorrow night her loss. At least now Toms video had been taken down and Jessica's photos are up.

Now it's the next day, I couldn't really sleep last night. I kept thinking about Tom, how he must be feeling, how he must be hurt by me and Jessica. I decided to not go school today as it is half day anyways due to prom. Jake stayed off as well he only had two more days left of school so he might as well not go in.

Harrison had messaged me saying that Tom didn't come in to school today so me and Jake came up with a plan. We got ready at 9:30, me just throwing on Toms hoodie with a pair of black leggings. I didn't need any makeup on, but I did end up just curling my lashes and putting on some mascara.

We both arrived at the store around 10 o'clock, we went through the shops picking up some things. Tom didn't deserve what had happened to him, I needed to say I'm sorry to him and that I'm here to support him through this. I had gotten him a gift which was a bracelet, a matching couples one, that had my first letter of my name on it. And I have one to which has the letter 'T' carved into it.

I picked him up his favourite snacks, food and drink. Of course I ordered extra for the other holland's and Jake. Now we both stand outside his house about to knock on his door. "Just knock" Jake told me. Hesitating at first, I knocked on the door hearing a 'I'm coming' from Nikki.

She opened the door with a smile, but I could tell she knew. "Hello darlings, uhh come in" She let us come through closing the door behind us. "Toms upstairs but he won't really talk to us" She told me.

I nodded, "I know. But trust me Nikki i'm gonna make it up to him. I know you have most likely seen or heard about the video, I didn't know at the start i'm sorry-" I apologise.

She pulled me into a warm hug rubbing my back. "Y/n, honey I'm not mad that you broke up with him. He told me what happened, I would've done the same thing. He only saw the video 4 days ago he didn't want you to see it. Don't apologise you couldn't have known that t-that was going to happen. I'm just glad that your here" She tells me.

I pulled away from the hug looking at her, "I brought you guys some food, I also got Tom some. I'm gonna try speak to him" I show the bag with the food in. She thanked me before letting me go so I could go to Toms room.

Standing outside his room, I softly knock on his door waiting for a reply. He didn't say anything, so I slowly opened his door peeking inside. His room was dark, the blinds where closed he laid on his bed with his black hoodie and joggers. His back was turned from me, he couldn't see me walking in, his hood was up too so I couldn't see his face.

"Mum I told you Im fine, please leave" His voice was hoarse, he sounded tired and exhausted.

"It's not Nikki" I whisper out enough for him to hear, he turns around quickly eyes locking together.

"y/n...oh erm. What you doing here?" He cleared his throat, sitting up a bit his hood still up. I place the bag on the side, walking over to the bed sitting on the edge his eyes never leaving me.

"I-I came to apologise. I left you when you needed me most. And I'm so sorry Tommy, I can't imagine how your feeling. I love you so much and I didn't mean to hurt you even more" I told him silent tears falling from my face.

"Y-you didn't know. I didn't at first until t-the video got posted. I would never cheat on you, angel. I love you too much. When you broke up with me I couldn't deal with it, I didn't want to lose you" He cried into his hands, I crawled onto the bed moving close to him opening up my arms so he could cry in them. After about a couple of minutes his sobs turned into small sniffles.

"I love you, okay. Your the best boyfriend ever, I'm here for you" I kissed his head playing with his curls telling him everything will be okay.

"I love you y/n" He looked up at me leaning in slowly closing the gap between us. It felt like forever since i've last touch his lips on mine. "I missed you" he admitted. "I missed you more"

"And that reminds me, I brought you something" I stand up from his bed going to grab the bag. "So i've got your favourite snacks and drink. I got us food from your favourite place too. And this.." I pull out the bracelet. "i've got one and so do you" I smile showing my one, putting his one on for him.

"I love it so much thanks darling" He pecks my lips looking at the bracelet.

"And I wanna know if you still wanna go prom with me?"

"Yes I would love to princess" He puts his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Now let watch a movie, eat our food and snacks"

That's what happened. After we ate our food Tom feel asleep laying on top of me as I play with his hair. Hopefully later will be better when we go to prom with our friends.

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