Running away

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I wanna say thanks to @Astrid3846392 for the suggestions. Thanks a lot. I loved this idea really helped make this part. And thanks to @aymel8 for the other part in this chapter. I just changed it up a lifeless hope you didn't mind. Appreciate all the support thank you :)xx

Warning: Crying and mentions of abuse (kinda).

Not much happened at school that day. I just stayed in the bathroom for Break and Lunch. The rest of the group fell for Rileys lies, they walked pass me when I tried to speak to them at break.

It was no use. I sent lots of messages to them to say my plan, for If they wanted to say goodbye. They all blocked me so there's was no point in me doing it. Tom got the most messages, the last message I wrote was....

Hey Tom. I know you've probably blocked me, which I totally understand. I just wanted to let you know that I love you so much. I would never in a million of years say things about you or any of our friends ever in a bad way, especially to Riley. I deserved everything that you all said or are doing. Im a bitch, I'm stupid, I'm just annoying over all. And I'm sorry for telling you all my stupid problems. I just only really trust you with one's you found out about. I did have a reason why I went back to Riley. I should've told you guys because If I did I wouldn't be in this situation I am in now. The reason was Kirsty, Rileys cousin has been seeing her. I finally met my sister after 6 years. Found out other things as well, however it's not that important. I'm just really sorry Tom. I hope we can meet again soon. Good luck for everything with acting, I hope you become a celebrity! That would be amazing. I hope you play Spiderman actually. That's your dream. Anyways I love you so much Tom. Please take care bye xxxx

I cried whilst making that. It's sad saying goodbye to someone who is your best Friend , crush and the person your in love all in one.

I know I did promise Jake I wasn't going to leave him. However, I simply can't do it anymore and he'll be okay. Kirsty will pick him up after school tomorrow in a few days. He will finally meet his other sister:)

Now was the time. I was outside the train station with my bag on my shoulders. I didn't know where I was going, just have to let myself go where ever it takes me.

I walk into the train station, luckily it wasn't that busy. My train said it was arriving in 2 minutes. Whilst I waited I put my ear phones in my ear and flicked through the songs to find the best one. The train then came, I looked around taking in everything. I knew I wouldn't come back in a while or maybe never. This was my childhood town and now i'm leaving it.

As soon as I was about to step into the train, I heard someone shout "Y/N! NO!". I took out my ear phones, looking to my left to see.....


He was out of breath, like he had ran all the way here. His curls fell in front of his face, sticking to his sweaty head. I put my ear phones into my hoodie, walking away from the train.

We both looked at each other whilst everyone walked passed us. His eyes were red and puffy from crying. Tears slowly fell down my face after I saw the sight of him.

He walked slowly up to me "Please don't go" he almost whispered. I just stood there still as a statue, looking into his eyes. "I saw your message. I never blocked you y/n. I couldn't get myself to do it. I love you. Your my best friend. I don't wanna lose you. That message on the group chat was meant for you too. Everyone is waiting for you at mine now. We're gonna listen to you....please don't leave" He cried.

"I-I'm sorry Tom" I run into his big arms. He held me tight not wanting to let me go.

"I thought I lost you" he whispered in my hair. "Don't run away please" he cried.

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