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This picture is so cute of Tom! He suits pink so much he looks adorable 🥺❤️

Everyone stayed at Tom's house till about 7p.m. We mostly just talked and hung out like the old times. I felt bad as everyone kept apologising though, but nothing that is happening to me is their fault. I love my best friends so much and without them I would be nothing, they make me smile in the morning and want to actually get up.

When everyone left, there was a knock at the door and it was Jake. Of course my parents sent him here as they knew I would be here. I hate them for everything they have done. They should really say thank you to Nikki, she's the one who has always looked after us and all they do is dump her kids at her house.

Nikki and my mum used to be so close, until she started drinking. It was for the best that Nikki kept her distance from my mum though, she's a bad influencer anyways.

"Y/n!" I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of Tom calling my name from the door. I was laying on his big bed, cuddled up into the blanket that was laid on top of the made sheets.

"Y-yeah" I murmured.

"You wanna stay?" he asked.

"N-no it's fine-"

"Honestly it's no big deal. We can have a sleepover!" he says in a childish way.

I gave in by his cute face, "Fine, Can I borrow some clothes though?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, one sec" He opens his draws, pulling out a pair of grey joggers and a black shirt. (that was his). "Here" He places it on the bed, then laying down on the other side of it.

I ended up giving him a small smile before glancing at him as he pulled out his phone, seemingly ignorant that I needed to change.

He then looks at me realising "Oh yeah shit sorry..Y-you uhhh need to change, right" he says embarrassed about to get up but I pull him back down.

"It's okay dont need to get out just turn around" I giggle.

"Oh yeah. O-okay" he says, turning around facing the other way.

I then changed into his clothes that he had given me, telling him that he could turn around as I was finished. Tom then turned around, smiled, and decided to turn on the television. I sat on the bed, looking intently at him, planning to ask him a question.

"What's wrong?" He sits up a bit.

"I don't know, I-I just...Can we cuddle?" I shyly ask, wanting to be held.

"You don't have to ask silly, come here" He moves the covers, laying back down and opening his arms so I can go into them. I quickly fell into his body, whilst his arms wrapped around my body, holding me tight. Toms cuddles were the best. He always smelt so nice and was so warm.

"I love your cuddles" I smile up at him.

"I love cuddling you darling-"

There was a slight knock at the door and then a voice that called out "Tom?"

"Yeah you can come in mum" Tom said.

"I wanted- Oh hi y/n, I didn't know you was here. I'm happy your both friends again, I missed you" Nikki says sitting on the bed.

"Hi Nikki, I miss you too. Yeah I'm happy we are besties again" I chuckle.

"anyways I wanted to say that your School sent a message to me saying that there is no school tomorrow due to the power cut" Nikki smiles at us.

"Yess, Thanks Mum" Tom throws his arms up in the air in excitement.

"okay well goodnight you too"

"Goodnight" We both say.

"Tom door stays open" Nikki quickly says before leaving the room, we both just laughed still cuddling.

We stayed in that position watching tv, until we both fell asleep still in each other's arms.


There was a loud knock on the door, so I ran downstairs to answer it. As soon as I opened the door a little, Ethan came storming in with some man.

"W-What are you doing here" I say scared.

"You have been speaking to Kirsty, so now your gonna get the same as what happened to her" Ethan motions to the unknown man to grab me, but I quickly ran up the stairs.

"GET BACK HERE Y/N" Ethan shouts, I was about to run up the last step until someone grabbed my foot.

"NOOO GET OFF ME" I screamed, trying to kick the hand off my right foot.

The next thing I know, I'm being dragged back down the stairs onto the floor. The man climbed on top of me, getting the bat he had in his hand and swings it across my face.

"AHHH" I sit up breathing heavily. I just had the worst nightmare ever.

"Shhhh, Y/N It's me, Tom, your okay, I've got you" Tom pulls me over to him, whilst I cry into his chest.

"I-I Had a nightmare a-and Ethan h-he-"

"Shhh, I know. It was just a dream. Your okay, I'm here and I'm not gonna go anywhere" He soothes me.

"I-I'm so sorry Tommy" I look at him.

"Hey, hey don't apologise darling" He wipes my tears. "I'm here okay. It was just a nightmare. Calm down and breathe" He kisses my forehead.

Finally after what felt like hours I had calmed down. My head was on Toms chest, whilst he played with my hair to calm me down more.

"You okay?" He whispered.

"Yeah, Thanks" I cuddled into him.

"Go back to sleep, I'll be right here" He pulls the covers over us.


"Goodnight y/n" He draws circles on my arms.

This is a bit bad but this whole weekend i've been so busy and I needed to post for y'all. It's just a cute little fluff for you all ;)

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