'crazy sofa'

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Day 1

It's our first full day in the beach house, it's Friday so that means we leave next week on the Friday 1st of June, late afternoon.

As soon as I woke up, I placed a kiss on Toms forehead brushing the curls out of his face. Today we was going to the beach to have a look around and explore the place. It was 9am so I decided to take a shower then get into my blue bikini/swimming costume (whatever you prefer), putting my cover up over myself.

Everyone started to wake up slowly, we were going to get some breakfast by the beach so we needed to leave before 10:30am. When I looked at the clock it was 9:45, that's when I walked up the stairs into mine and Toms room. He had taken a shower, gotten changed into his swimming shorts with a white t-shirt.

"Morning princess" He ruffled his damp hair with the towel, walking over to me to place a little kiss on my lips.

"Morning bubs" I said back, hugging his body that smelt amazing. "We better hurry up, breakfast finishes at 11 and we wanted to get there before 10:30." The beach wasn't that far by the way, it's just that we would have to order and then all eat our food.

Once we had ate our food, we all decided to go on the beach. Us girls were chilling on the sun beds trying to catch a tan, whilst the boys were in the water or playing beach ball.

Taking a big sip from my ice coffee, I closed my eyes once again enjoying the heat. Until I felt something poke my arm, at first I didn't even care what it was so I ignored it...until someone poked my arm again. "Tom fuck off—oh sorry"

Once I opened my eyes, I saw a little girl standing in front of me with tears streaming down her face. She looked quite young, maybe around the age of 5? or 6.

I quickly sat up looking at the young girl, "Hey hunny, it's everything okay?" I asked rubbing her arm a little.

"I-I don't know" She sobbed loudly, getting the attention of the girls and the boys.

"It's okay, hey hey don't cry. How about this, sit down here. Your safe it's alright, i'll let you calm down then you can explain everything alright?" I pat the space on the sun bed so she could sit down, the boys slowly were walking over to us.

"Would you like a drink of water?" Sophia asked holding a fresh bottle of water, the girl nodding straight after taking a big sip of the water to calm her down.

Eventually she had calmed down looking at everyone's eyes on her. "What's your name sweetheart?" Tom asked crouching down a little next to her.

"M-my names Grace, I-Im 6 and I lost my mummy" she cries again.

"Okay Grace, Im y/n, that's Tom, this is Sophia and Lily. That guy there is Harrison and the weirdo is Cameron" I say the last part making her laugh a little. "Do you remember when you saw your Mummy last?"

"I don't remember we were playing in the s-sand and then Rocco ran off so mummy tried to get him but I lost her" She said.

"Who's Rocco?" Asked Lily.

"Rocco is my doggy" She smiled just by thinking about her dog.

"How about we look around for Mummy, and when you see her you tell me, yeah?" I offered standing up from the sun bed, Grace nodded straight away. "C-can you carry me?" She asked and I nodded picking her up straight away.

We were looking around for her mum around the beach, well Me and Tom decided to look around to let the others have fun. Grace was now on Toms shoulders looking for her mum, it had been about 30 minutes and there was no sign of her.

"y-y/n" Grace cries. "What's wrong?" I asked. "We're never gonna find her" She cries trying to get off Toms shoulder, he immediately let her down as she ran to me.

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