play date

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"Tom! TOM!" A voice shouted, waking me up from my sleep.

"Tom wake up please quick!" That's when I quickly opened my eyes to see Jake jumping on the bed, smacking Tom with a pillow.

"I'm up! I'm up! What's wrong?" Tom rubs his eyes and removes his arm from around my waist.

Jake quickly sits down on the best crossing his legs looking at Tom "I need your help, well I need advice like right now. I tried to ask Harry and Sam but they were no use" he pouts.

"Okay yeah sure what's up buddy?" He sits up more.

"How do you get a girl to like you?" He asks.

"W-what?" Tom chuckles.

"I mean you've had a girlfriend before, and you made y/n like you or shall I say love" He blurts out.

"Hey I do not love him like that you sicko" I finally sat up.

"Darling everyone knows you're in love with me" Tom smirks at me, so I smack his arm. "Anyways I'll help you, who's the special girl?" He looks at Jake.

"H-her name is Chloe and she's coming over for a play date today at 3" He smiles.


THE PLAY DATE! I totally forgot about that, I remember Jake telling me about it a couple of weeks ago, as the first time he had told me the situation with the drug dealers happened. I forgot that she was coming over to our house.

"Shit that was today" I grab my phone from the side checking the time

It was 11am, Phew I still had 4 hours to get snacks and everything.

"Yeah, did you forget?" Jake looked at me sad.

"N-no. Well yeah that's fine though I just need to run to the store. Tom I'm borrowing these" I grab his black joggers from the side.

"Want me to come with?" Tom stood up.

"Y-yeah sure. Jake, I'm gonna drop you off real quick, just make sure your room is tidy before I get back and I'll do the rest" I go to the bathroom to get the joggers on and to brush my teeth, wash my face and do my hair.

After I finished getting ready, Me and Tom dropped Jake off at my house and luckily my mum wasn't there, neither was Ethan. We went to the store to get some snacks for Jake and Chloe, plus some for us.

Tom tried to pay for all the things, but as nice as the gesture was I couldn't let him. However we did get a cab (Taxi) back as he insisted on paying and helping out in some way. The time was about 1pm, when we had put all the snacks away.

"TOM! Come up here quick" Jake shouted.

"Go I just need to clean this mess" I pointed to the beer bottles lying on the floor that Ethan obviously left for someone else to clean but him.

It felt like hours cleaning all that mess up, at least now all I had to do was clean my bedroom which shouldn't be that bad. I walked up the stairs and saw Jake wearing a cute pair of jeans with a white shirt, his hair had gel in it and was slicked back to the side. He turned around, smiling at me.

My brother looked so fucking cute!

"Awwwwww you look so cute, let me take a photo" I took a quick cute pic of him.

"She's gonna be here soon so get changed" he says walking past me.

I turn around, "Thank you Tommy, I don't know what I would do without you" I hug him, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"It's okay. I'm always gonna be here for you both" He hugged me back.

"I'm gonna make it up to you don't worry! I can order some pizzas today and whilst the little ones do whatever we can watch a movie or playing video games" I say like a child.

"Sounds good" He smiles.


Chloe has been here for about 4 hours now it's currently 7p.m. I'm watching as Tom goes through my draws in my room, making a comment about anything he sees.

"You still have this?" He holds up the friendship bracelet he gave me when we were both 9. I still remember the day he gave it. We was both sat in his room playing something, when he pulled out two bracelets.

"Yeah Of course. A dork gave it to me" I teased.

"Well your the dork for keeping it-"

"Hey! I'm not a dork for keeping such a cute memorable gift, Tommy!"

"Y/N we finished the pizza and Chloe's mums here!" I heard Jake shout. I slowly walked down the stairs with Tom, giving a quick glance at the women at the door and then at the cute kids who were saying there goodbyes.

"Thanks for having her" The women said.

"It's okay, she can come whenever she likes" I smile.

"Bye Jake" Chloe waves.

"Bye Chloe" Jake waves then shuts the door, smiling.

"You guys are so adorable. Jake is gonna have a girlfriend, Jake has a girlfriend" I sing jumping around him.

"Your brother can get a girlfriend but you can't get a boyfriend" Tom jokes.

"Do you want me to stick my foot so far up your ass you won't be able to shit ever again" I cross my arms.

"You would love that wouldn't you" Jake now smirks.

"Ewwww it's a joke" I groan, kicking his butt.



There was two loud knocks at the front door behind me. We all went quiet for a moment, until I looked through the key hole felling relived that it was just Kirsty. I slowly open the door a little, to see her holding a little boys hand.

"Kirsty what are you doing here are you crazy" I whisper yell.

"I know there not in, I just wanna see Jake and you can meet your nephew, Liam. I'll be quick" She pleads and I open the door.

"Who is- Kirsty?" Jake look at her.

"Jakey" She cries and picks him up hugging him.

"Hey there little guy, I'm Y/N. I'm your auntie and that's Jake your uncle" I hug the little boy who looked confused.

"Okay so- Wait is that...Tom?" Kirsty points towards Tom who was standing by the stairs, I nod.

"Hey Kirsty it's been long" Tom says giving her a small hug.

"You was so tiny the last time I saw you...all of you" she hugs us all.

"Mummy" Liam pulls at Kirsty's leg.

"Don't worry baby we're gonna go home in a minute" She picks him up. "Okay, this weekend on Saturday we can go for dinner or out. Tell mum she can come without Ethan if she wants to see her grandchild. Tom you can come as well" She smiles.

"Okay! We will see you then" I smile and after that she leaves.

"I'm so happy she's back in your life's" Tom smiles.

"I'm happy too" I smile back.

"LAST ONE UPSTAIRS IS A LOSER" Jake says running up the stairs.

Sorry everyone that I didn't post yesterday. These past few days I haven't really been feeling that great not just physically but mentally. I'm not really sure why, I've just been having such a bad week. Hopefully next week will be better. Bye love you all stay safe xoxo

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